Winnie report from 5/23-24 North End

  • mark-bruzek
    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3903

    We Camped in CutFoot, the weather was great for us, but the winds were calm and the sun was high in the sky which hindered the bite, but none the less we did get into some eyes. We primarily fished the south shore of Mallard point and just east of the Dugouts. Chartruce, or hot yellow were the only colors that were producing for us and that is all I saw anybody using too. Shiners were the bait of choice, GF tried leaches with no success. I picked up shiners in Deer River that I would consider large, these worked much better than the JUMBO shiners that all the shops on Winnie had. BTW I learned that the shiners lived the best in the yellow Flow-Troll buckets over an ice water cooler. 8-14 FOW. Longlineing and dragging or hopping worked the best as we could not get bit under the boat. Using bow mount or sock keeping it between .5-.25 mph. I would say we boated 15-20 eyes (only a few over slot) and 10 Jumbos. Did graph some of the humps and some buddies fished other spots but Mallard and dugouts seemed to produce the best for us.
    MTT on Mille Lacs for me Sat & Sun, best of luck to everyone.

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