My brother Burbob and I headed out friday for our anual opener on mille lacs with dreams of fat bottomed girls on the end of our lines.Turns out,dreams do come true!It was by far the best opener or two nights for that matter that we have ever had.The numbers and size of fish were unbelievable.We started off on the north side trolling cranks and we never looked back.We ended night one with twenty plus fish over 24 inches,4 at 27and 3 that flopped over the 28 mark.Every fish we stuck I marked instantly on the gps so we soon had a good pattern locked down on this pod of large fish.
Night number two brought the same.Only difference was the fish moved in shallow,so we changed our approach to fall trolling tactics pulling sticks.Turns out thats what they wanted and we put the to em!Our key speed was 1 to 1.2 mph with very long lines cause they were quite spooky in the shallow water.
Here are a few of the fat girls that we had the pleasure to dance with
May 12, 2009 at 2:15 am