blade bait colors and sizes???

  • jeweler
    Posts: 543

    Having never used a blade bait before and wanting to start, what sizes would I look at? I mainly use 3/8 oz. jig heads when vertical jigging if that helps. Also if you could only pick 2 colors what would they be? I mainly fish the Mississippi river. Thanks, Jeweler

    Posts: 604

    I’m still getting used to these little guys but the guys that pitch on a regular basis have told me
    Gold (sunny)
    Black (cloudy)
    Firetiger (cloudy)

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    You should be able to use 1/4 in most all aplications. About the only time you will need anymore than 1/4oz is if you are fishing deep water (30′) and/or if the flow is very fast.

    If I only had two choices it would be Firetiger and black. There are a few other good colors that I would include though, gold being the next best.

    any other questions just hollar

    Ron Johnsen
    Platteville wi
    Posts: 2968

    1/4 for picthing 1/2 for vertical colors black & firetiger

    Posts: 170

    Be sure to use a snap on the end of your line. Tying direct will wear/weaken the knot.

    Jeff Bennett
    Lake Puckaway Wi.
    Posts: 1180

    We use 3/8 for jigging and some years firetiger is all we use .

    Posts: 543

    Thanks everyone. You guys dont mess around, you get right after it. Any other suggestions would be welcomed as well.

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051

    Don’t forget the red tiger and orange glow tiger by BfishN tackle. When the water gets a little stained these colors always get a work out. All blades will get nailed at certain times that’s why it’s best to have em all. B3 Blades

    quad cities, il
    Posts: 176

    I second the red when it comes to the mississippi!

    Posts: 788

    red,orange,firetiger,black,and gold

    sizes 1/4 for pitching and normal flow
    and larger depending on current flow and depth

    I like braided in 4 to 6 pound range to really feel the vibration of the lure especially in the summer when they foul alot

    keep in mind the 3 holes at the top of the lure are there for reasons (the way you are fishing them)


    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749


    red,orange,firetiger,black,and gold

    sizes 1/4 for pitching and normal flow
    and larger depending on current flow and depth

    I like braided in 4 to 6 pound range to really feel the vibration of the lure especially in the summer when they foul alot

    keep in mind the 3 holes at the top of the lure are there for reasons (the way you are fishing them)


    I’m with you on this one!

    Posts: 543

    Good info guys, thanks. I stopped by the local bait shop and they only carry 1/4 oz and 1/2 oz. Was looking towards 3/8 oz if they exist. Anyway, you talk about the holes… which hole for what??? Also, do any of you tip them with a minnow or head during vertical jigging or just run them solo? Thanks again.

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    I always hook up on the middle hole with a #2 cross lock snap. I have read article where people will put a minnow head on the back hook while vertical jigging, I have never done that. I only pitch the blades.

    I haven’t seen a 3/8 oz, not saying they aren’t out there, I’ve just never seen them.


    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3546

    Sonars with split rings holding the trebles on are a real pain in the ars. Purchase sonars with trebles connected directly. they will tangle themselves but not near as much.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19027

    1/8 oz cicadas work well.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923


    Good info guys, thanks. I stopped by the local bait shop and they only carry 1/4 oz and 1/2 oz. Was looking towards 3/8 oz if they exist.

    I looked up the Yakima/Worden’s showdown blades and they do not have an 3/8ths either. They do have 3/8 in a Slab Master Jigging spoon. Something like a swedish pimple if your not familiar with them

    Posts: 543

    I am going to Cabelas to see what they have and will probably end up getting some from the local bait shop. They did not have the colors suggested to me, so I may need to do some painting. Thanks a ton and if you guys have any other suggestions or ideas dont be affraid to post em. Thanks again.

    NE Nebraska
    Posts: 757

    Can anybody shed some light on the different holes for the blade baits? Under what circumstances do you use the different holes? Thanks.


    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071


    Can anybody shed some light on the different holes for the blade baits? Under what circumstances do you use the different holes? Thanks.


    I have yet to find a reason on the river to use anything but the middle hole. That works best for me while either vertical jigging them or casting them. I do believe on of the other two holes is for trolling them, but not sure which one it was. With the origanal Sonars they used to come with a piece of paper in the box they came in to tell you what the different holes were for but I cant remember what it said nor do I have one around anymore.
    Im not sure of any presentation that would require you to use any other hole other than the middle one

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    closest hole to the nose…swims shallower
    closest hole to the tail…digs deeper
    middle hole keeps the blade in even balance and is best for vertical jigging…most popular for pitching.

    NE Nebraska
    Posts: 757

    Thanks Tom. I appreciate it.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749


    1/8 oz cicadas work well.

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