hey guys a simple question just lookin at everyones input here to compare notes..I have been pulling 3 ways and phelps floaters on pool 4 for as long as I have fished it but here is a topic i had with someone at work…I myself always hold one rod in my hand and the dead stick is often rigged with a circle hook…A guy I know goes all phelps floaters and does not touch these rods until it is loaded up and the fish has hooked itself. I personally have not experimented a whole lot with this set up enough to be honest, comftorable yes, but not a true pro at it by any means…I am in the dealing of a kicker motor and since i made last year a year to master leadcore this year i am going to make a live bait rig year to get a better “feel” for it something i am not going to think twice about trying when the moment comes. Any input from people who use this quite often do you let them load up themselves on a trolling type rod with medium action, or do you go with a 7 ft. fast action rod dropping the tip back and use a sweep hook set instead?
February 13, 2008 at 11:18 pm