Crosslock Snaps?

  • walleye4383
    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 92

    I picked up some crosslock snaps last night and was wondering when you use these with cranks do you snap them to the split ring on the crank? Or take the split ring off and snap directly to the eye on the crank.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Snap directly to Split Ring

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1383

    Snapping directly to the split ring is very common and definitely works well. But for maximum “tuneability”, remove the split rings and snap to the nose. You can bend the nose down or flatten it out to create a much different wobble.

    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316

    Direct to the “O” ring if I’m being lazy otherwise i remove the ring and attach direct to the lure for the best action.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    If your running superlines like Power Pro or Fireline, I strongly advise snapping directly to the lure and not the split ring.
    I have had to deal with the line getting caught up in the split ring way to many times and sooner or later, its going to happen at a really bad time!
    Now I always snip the split ring off and snap directly to the lure.


    Colorado Springs, CO
    Posts: 1316

    Crossin Eyes,

    Care to share where those big pig eyes in your avatar were caught? Nice picture, boy they are fat! I’m guessing Tobin or Erie.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1383

    Thanks T.

    Lake Erie, April 05 I think. The pic. is a little out of proportion because I had to shrink it so much, but they were very healthy. I’m really not that short and fat either!
    Not a word from you Kooty!

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057


    I’m really not that short and fat either!
    Not a word from you Kooty!


    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 92

    Thanks for the tips guys I plan to put them to use this weekend.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1383

    You neither Wellman. In the words of Kooty, “I ain’t Scared. Wanna go a round with the Champ

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