Where would u go? (walleyes)

  • fearnofish82
    Posts: 387

    This may have been asked already sometime or another, but i didn’t see it, so oh well .

    If u could go on a trip walleye fishing, anywhere u wanted to, where would it be?, when?, and why?

    For me i’d say the Columbia River, Washington, late fall/winter. Why? I’ve seen more pictures of 10+++ lb. walleyes come out of there than anywhere i can think of, beautiful river/area/scenery, and i’ve never been out there before.

    How about you? (please don’t say mille lacs )

    Is there a field staffer out in that area at all, I’d love to read some reports from out there?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    In no particular order Columbia River, Lake Tobin, Lake Winnepeg, Red Wing last week of March – 2 week of April.

    Posts: 1811

    Greers Ferry ARK. COLOUMBIA RIVER. and Rainy RIVER in the fall i heard the bite is great in late oct. Been to the rainy in april and its fantastic if you hit it right.

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    Columbia River, FT Peck, MT, Rainy in the fall

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 1041

    I’d have to go with Red wing. Fall winter or spring. Maybe even early summer. I just plain love fishin that area!

    scenic tackle
    Bemidji, MN
    Posts: 727

    The English River,ON or the Rainy River in Oct.

    Posts: 4062

    I would like to try Green Bay, Bay De Noc or Erie, Red Wing spring and fall

    Posts: 3681

    Prince Albert Sask.in early oct.Columbia River, Spring. Home waters of Red Wing anytime I can

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051

    Little Bay De Noc-Late Oct.

    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 1030

    I’ll split this into 2 catagories. For lake walleye fishing I think any of the Canadian shield lakes will give you unmatched numbers of fish. Lake Erie, Green Bay, Bay de Noc (Little & Big), are just a few of the big water/big walleye lakes.

    My second catagory is river walleye. Seeing how I am primarily a river walleye fisherman I’d more than likely opt to try some of these rivers before hitting a lake. I’d love to try the Columbia. I’ve never fished the St. Louis River in Minnesota so that is one that is on my list. I’ve heard good things about many of the great lakes tributary rivers. I love the good old Upper Mississippi River fishing many of the pools every year. For good numbers of 4 to 7 pound fish with a few over 7 tossed in for good measure it is difficult to beat my home pool #12. That is something I thought I’d never say but since the advent of the protected slot along with supplimental stocking and a few other positive changes this stretch of the river is quickly becoming a trophy walleye fishery.

    Dubuque, Iowa
    Posts: 100

    I am trying to plan a trip to Bay de Quinte this fall.
    Also called “The Bay of Pigs”

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    I love Lac Seul, just got back. I am looking forward to trying Portage Lake in Houghton, MI, the St. Louis River and the Green Bay/Little/Big Bay de Noc areas. Sorry to say this, but am looking forward to trying Mille Lacs w/Holst, fireflick, Lip, Bobber or JLDII; P2 w/DeeZee, Kabetogema, Rainy Lake/River, LOTW, Ottertail, Vermillion, Winni and Devils Lake in ND.

    That’s a big list, but still am intrigued by these bodies of water, big and small.


    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4143

    I’ve always wanted to try Lake Erie, never been on that water. The Columbia River sounds intriquing as well.

    I’ve been on Tobin, Devils, and Litte Bay Denoc (sp?), and all were fabulous.


    Shoreview, Grand Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1024

    Fearnofish- My dream trip is about to come true. We have 8 IDA’ers heading up to Lake Tobin in Saskatewan th first week in October. By the way we have room for more. PM me for more details.


    scott s m
    south central MN
    Posts: 61

    columbia river (huge sturgeon too! ), rainy river fall trip.. were goin right?

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    Just to be different, I’ve heard about a half dozen lakes in the BWCA that are hard to get to (there are hundreds of lakes that are hard to get to) that have unbelievable walleye fishing. I have not made it to any of them yet. Some day I’ll start crossing them off my list.


    Mark Steffes
    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1376

    I’ll brake it up into ice fishing or boat.
    Boat would have to be Lake Tobin fall, Red Wing spring, Columbia river, Red River in the fall for Greenbacks.
    Ice fishing Bay of Quinte, Devils lake, Lake Tobin.

    Some are doubles but who cares it’s my dream trips.

    Posts: 387

    rainy fall shiner run for sure!

    Posts: 387

    Seems like the Columbia is on everyones list.

    How bouts we start planning a GTG out there for next fall and get a convoy headed out that way James????

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    It’s not really walleye but very closely related.

    I’d head to Stockhol, Sweden for a guided Zander trip on lake Getno Gard. They catch Zander over 30 lbs on this body of water every year.

    Plymouth WI
    Posts: 314

    If you’re willing to put up with the crowds, the Lower Fox river in DePere in March/April is awesome! 100 fish days are not uncommon, with a good chance at some real hogs.

    Posts: 517

    Lac Seul is can’t miss for numbers. I’ve been going to Lac Seul 1-3 times a year for 8 years and while a lake like Mille Lacs can’t be beat for per-fish weight (especially last couple years) Lac Seul numbers can make your arms sore… literally.

    The best fishing this last week for us was Thursday morning. A low front moved in after rain Wednesday night and the fish became really active. I counted from 8:30 am-1:30pm that day and had boated 65 eyes myself (not including my dad’s catch) with 55-60 of them prior to 11:30. I would guess (didn’t count this) that 15-20% of the fish were 18in-23in. Nice quality fish and tons of them but no pigs. Most (full) days were probably 75-80 fish days per person — still very good.

    One other nice thing about Lac Suel, at least the East side fish, Bishop’s Rock to Sen Bay, is that you don’t see a lot of boats… when you do see boats it’s just as likely to be a fuel or supply boat running to a base camp as a fishing vessel.

    We take a houseboat out of Hudson from Lac Seul Floating Lodges owned by Irene and Dave. They are a great outfit if you choose to go that way. Also we’ve stayed many time at a place called “Country Cabins” which is just south of Lost Lake (connected to Lac Seul) and again I’de recommend them.

    Tight Lines!

    koldfront kraig
    Coon Rapids mn
    Posts: 1830

    Open water:

    Cloumbia river
    Pine Falls,Winnepeg
    Lake Erie


    Lake Erie
    Lake of the Woods

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 683

    Bay of Quinte–My father in law went this past March and they boated over over 50 fish that were 9+ lbs!!!!


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