cost of trip up to Mille Lacs

  • trumar
    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    If one was to share a trip up to fish Mille Lacs for the weekend what would a guestamation on cost be? Lets say I met someone in Redwing or up in the cities that was going with thier boat.

    I have never been up there and would JUMP on the chance(if the $$$ was there) to go for the weekend if the offer ever come my way and would split the cost,from fuel to housing and everything inbetween..

    Looking for just a Guestamation

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    Do you drink beer?

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 1359


    Do you drink beer?

    or more properly, to add: “If so, how much?”

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    I do drink but its not part of my fishing and would expect to cover ot 100% myself if I choose to do so

    Most I know couldnt even taste the little bit I do drink

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    OK, now that the beer question is out of the way. Here would be my breakdown.

    Gas for truck: Red Wing to Isle is 155 miles, 12 mpg pulling a rig, gas at $3.00, plus a little back and forth $100

    Gas in boat: Mille Lacs is a big lake, $40-$80 depending on the motor you have.

    Lodging: Cabin rentals vary, but normally $50-$100 per person a night depending on where you stay.

    Bait: LB of leeches, $20

    Food: I’m kinda fat and hungry so, $75

    Misc: Because you always forget something, $40

    How’s that? Drop in the bucket compared to the Molson and Sapphire budget…

    Cottage Grove, MN
    Posts: 1737

    Geez if I get an offer like that, thank god I have left over vension summer sausage and sticks, or else my food bill would still be $75….. and lets not start on the beer budget….that’s what old mil is for!

    sorry just had to add that

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    Thanks ..Thats what I call a good guestamation

    Posts: 3681

    Are weekends your only option?

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    no they are not, as I am not part of working force at this time , but I have always wanted to go up there and what better to go there than with an IDA member and someone who knows the area

    Big Lake, MN
    Posts: 389

    Sorry, and I know this doesn’t help, but this sounds like the mastercard commercial to me. Cost of a trip to Mille Lacs….PRICELESS!!

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