Lindy-style walking sinkers.

  • timmy
    Posts: 1960

    Am I so far behind the times that I am the only person to still prefer this type of sinker when rigging? I am getting low on my original home-poured stash and realized that I can not find them for sale in bulk anywhere. With all of my molds having been the victim of theft a few years back, it looks like I will have to bite the bullet and buy new molds .

    Does anyone on here know where to find these sinkers in bulk? My time is more valuable to me right now with the new family….so I would rather buy a few pounds of them than take the time to pour them.


    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    Where do you live?

    Posts: 1960

    Osceola WI

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    Try Trails End in Fridley, they have a couple guys that pour for them, they can probably get you set up. 763-784-9080, tell them Dan Larson sent you.

    mark winkels
    Posts: 350

    I have used the bottom bouncers and lindy’s no snag, how are these walkers compared to the others? Do they tend to get snagged less or is it about even?

    Pine City, MN.
    Posts: 1279

    cabelas sells them by the pound

    Posts: 3239


    cabelas sells them by the pound

    and by a 25 ct. package!!


    Posts: 216

    sportsmans warehouse in woodbury has them in bulk 25 cents a piece and any size and color you want

    Posts: 1960

    Thanks guys! I never looked at the on-line cabela’s site. I get the hardcover catalog and didn’t see them in there, so I assumed they quit carrying them.

    As far as snags – I think they are better than eggs or bullets, but not as good as no-snaggs or bouncers. For snags, it is tough to beat the old steelheaders trick of using a ‘slinky’ rig: several #5 split shots in a parachute cord case……the ultimate in snag resistance.


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