An interesting, and scarey article

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 82

    Endangered waters

    By John Myers

    Duluth News Tribune – 05/09/2007

    Duluth, Minn. – Maybe its prophetic that Minnesota is changing its new conservation license plates to show a jumping largemouth bass.

    As two million anglers prepare for Minnesotas walleye season, which opens Saturday, some fisheries experts warn that the states most popular fish may be harder to find in future years. That could mean the next generation of Minnesota anglers will be more excited about the Memorial Day

    weekend bass opener than the traditional mid-May walleye opener.

    Scientists say that within a few decades some Minnesota lakes probably will be too warm for walleye to thrive. And even northern Minnesota lakes might get too warm in summer to hold key walleye food such as cisco.

    Walleye are the backbone of the resort, fishing and bait industry and represent a century of family fishing traditions.

    Were g oing to have fewer lakes with walleyes in them, and fewer walleyes in other lakes, said Don Pereira, fisheries research and policy manager for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. We need to start getting the public thinking about accepting other game species, like bass.

    Dealing with lakes getting warmer

    Average temperatures in Minnesota  already up a degree in the past century  are expected to increase another 3 degrees by 2050 and keep rising.

    Even if we act fast to do something, thats where well be. And were talking by midcentury, not 100 years from now, Pereira told a conference organized by the DNR this past winter. After that, it all depends on what humanity does with carbon emissions.

    Thats the projection of hundreds of scientists who study the issue. The warming appears to be caused by a doubling of carbon in the atmosphere over the past 150 years that is trapping more heat near the earth. A globa l panel of scientists says the carbon problem is caused by human activities, namely burning fossil fuels.

    Minnesota scientists say the states summers will be more like Kansas by centurys end, and winters more like Illinois. The fish in Kansas? Few walleyes, and lots of bass and bullheads.

    Scientists already have warned that a warming climate could mean trouble for fish and wildlife at the southern edge of their natural range, such as moose and lake trout. As more lakes hold more and bigger bass and sunfish, which thrive in warmer water, experts say, lake trout will retreat to just a few lakes in far northern Minnesota within decades, and the remaining lake trout are expected to take refuge in deeper water.

    Warmer water may lead to faster growth

    Its the states cold winters, and relatively cold waters, that keep walleyes from growing faster and bigger here. The world record 22-pound, 11-ounce walleye came from Arkansas, afte r all. Minnesota walleye havent hit 18 pounds.

    Pereira said some northern Minnesota lakes will warm up into the walleyes optimal temperature range as the states climate warms. Higher temperatures will mean many more days for walleyes to grow, and they should get bigger more quickly.

    But when scientists look closer, the picture gets murkier.

    Walleye do best in water that is between 59 and 77 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything warmer than that, even for short periods, and walleyes become stressed. At 82 degrees they stop eating. At 88 degrees they die. The biggest, most prolific breeding fish die first.

    Water temperatures in Lake Pepin, a famous walleye lake along the Mississippi River near Lake City in Goodhue County, Minn., are projected to rise into the walleyes danger zone. Pereira said that not enough of Lake Pepin will remain below 77 degrees during hot summer months to support enough walleyes to keep the population thriving.

    If the projectio ns are on target, Lake Pepin couldnt hold many walleyes, Pereira said, noting that mild summer temperatures already have caused Pepins big walleyes to grow slower, likely due to stress. And during springs after recent hot summers, those stressed walleyes have produced fewer young.

    Finding relationship with oxygen, food

    In some lakes, walleyes can move to deeper water  if theres enough oxygen and quality food down deep. But scientists say that during the summer, deeper water will have less oxygen, causing dead zones near the bottom.

    Most of Minnesotas top 10 walleye lakes  the biggest, most popular, most productive walleye lakes in the state  dont have a deep, cold-water refuge for fish to move into when water warms near the surface. Walleyes havent needed that refuge in the past, but may in a warmer future.

    Lakes that mix  deeper-water lakes like Rainy, Cass and Vermilion, and the Boundary Waters  could see bette r walleye production in the future, Pereira said. But the variable is what will happen with tullibee/cisco. (Walleyes) wont grow faster if they dont have the food.

    Pereira said Minnesota anglers in 50 years will need to know how to catch more largemouth bass and sunfish. But hes not suggesting that Minnesota change its official state fish. Not yet.

    Were still going to have some walleye lakes, and likely some good walleye lakes up north, Pereira said. But lakes that are marginal now will no longer be able to support walleyes. And were going to have to make some decisions on whether it makes sense to keep trying to force them to produce walleyes or shift to a more suitable, warmer water species.

    Temperatures on the rise

    Average temperatures in Minnesota are expected to rise 3 degrees

    by 2050, which may affect the walleye population.

    – Walleye do best in water between 59 and 77 degrees. For example, Lake Pepin in southeastern Minnesota is not expected to remain below 77 degrees during the hot summer months.

    – Walleye stop eating when the water is 82 degrees.

    – Walleye die at 88 degrees.

    If you go

    – When: Saturday

    – Resident license: Individual $18, husband/wife $26, 24-hour $9.50

    – Nonresident license: Individual $35, family $45, 72-hour $21, 7-day $25,

    24-hour $9.50, 14-day couple $36

    The Forum and Duluth (Minn.) News Tribune are both owned by Forum Communications Co.

    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    Oh no… Global Warming Again!!! All the fish are going to disappear.

    Ho hum… Some people just don’t get it. Not to make this into a political issue… but it doesn’t suprise me coming from the Duluth News Tribune. Sorry, I just don’t see this happening.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    I alway like when writers print stuff like:


    Scientists say that within a few decades some Minnesota lakes probably will be too warm for walleye to thrive……

    but don’t actually print a name. Scientists huh? Same scientists Al Gore sides with?

    I just wrote a letter to Mr Myers asking for the name of this scientist and where to get details on this scientific report. As this is the first time I have heard about it.

    Funny, no one told the walleyes in Tx and Nv they can’t live in warm water…..


    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 82

    Good idea, Jon. I hope he lets you know which “scientists” gave him the information. Has anyone else read or heard of these claims? With the opener it’s the perfect time to stir the global warming pot a little more, I suppose.


    St Francis, MN
    Posts: 2100

    Worse yet… I hear that due to global warming… we may soon not have any Mothers left to celebrate Mothers Day either!!! I hear that air temps over 90 degrees cause mothers to hide away due to not being able to wear small articles of clothing after a long MN winter. Seems there pale skin causes emotional issues. Another thing to blame Global Warming on!!!

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    There is some validity to the article. Tullibee populations as well as burbot levels are extremely low in Mille Lacs right now because of the extreme temperatures the lake reached last summer. We have seen warm cycles like this before but the DNR does believe that the populations of these two species may never reach what they used to be.

    Walleye seem to adapt very well and do well in many Southern shallow reservoirs so I am not overly concerned but species like Tullibee and Burbot can be easily effected by these changes.

    Posts: 29

    We have been going through this global warming thing since the last glacial period some 10,000 yrs ago. I guess the media needs to hype something or they have nothing to generate a frenzy. At least, when I was growing up, we only had to worry about the Russians and how fast we could “duck and cover”.

    Until then, eat all the walleye you can because they’ll all be gone soon.

    Good Luck!

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    where can a guy find the water temperature charts over the past few years on Mille Lacs?

    Metro MN
    Posts: 69

    B as in B, S as in S. When forecasters start getting 100% accuracy on a weekend forecast, maybe then I’ll be interested in the 50-year predictions of these “scientists”.

    I’m still waiting for the ice age that was fast approaching in the 70’s (if the “population explosion” didn’t get us first).

    Same shite, different decade…

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    There was a propaganda piece… er, article in the Pioneer Press about this maybe two months ago that talked about ciscos dying and blah, blah, blah about bass taking over. No doubt this guy read that, too.

    Edit/Add: I’m undecided on how we should deal with whatever global warming is, but shame on the politicians for politicizing it (“Buy ethanol so I can win the Iowa caucus!”) and for the media for printing scare tactics (“All your walleyes are going to die (pay more taxes to save them)”).

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 518

    Articles like that are pretty accurate until they get to the part about “why” the temperatures are rising and “how” hot it will be in the future. The minute I see “carbon” in an article like that, bells and whistles go off!

    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 200

    I remember a warm water fish die off in 83.Then later that year we broke many cold temp. records in December.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    As a retired science teacher…NOT SCIENTIST…I have to agree with Scott, while certainly not with Al Gore!

    Global warming is already here and will continue to run its meteorological cycle, but the extent and timing of biological events is yet undetermined. We can only take recorded data and “project” an estimate of future effects.

    The aging reserviors in the upper Peninsula are recently changing from predominately Largemouth to Smallmouth fisheries…warming streams will change from Brook and Rainbow Trout to predominately Browns. Change is inevitable but we can adjust…if we are so inclined…

    South metro
    Posts: 134

    “the sky is falling!- again” getting kinda old, isnt it? as soon as china and india start putting industrial safeguards and air scrubbers on all their factories, and as soon as all the poor ol’ downtrodden africans stop usbing up every bit of firewood and stop burning dung for fuel and heat, and as soon as our south american friends stop clear cutting the rain forests, then, maybe then, we can discuss if this “global wamring” is real or not.

    Bloomington, MN
    Posts: 386

    I wonder what all the global warming alarmists think caused the glaciers to mely 10,000 years ago ending the ice age??? Mastadon farts?

    Posts: 268

    Did Al Gore talk this scientist into wrinting this story?

    Black River Falls
    Posts: 36

    I normally dont make many comments but I had to on this one. I will preface by stating that I am a Biologist by schooling and training. We (Humanity and all the CO2 we produce) are Not, I repeat NOT causing global warming. The earth had a predictable cooling and warming phase of approximately 1500 years. We are just coming out of the little ice age. This is Very well documented, EXTREMELY well documented.
    The economic implications of subscribing to human induced global warming is tremendous. We all know how much gas costs now. Every summer it goes up because MN Mandates that between Memorial day and Labor day that all gas contains 10% Ethanol.
    Everyone Please Educate yourselves on this matter!! It has HUGE Financial consequences if you let a small minority keep you from the Science. There are many great resources out there. A book I found the best is “Unstoppable Global Warming” by Avery. It is filled with all the science and reproducible and redundant evidence”
    Any questions please PM me!!

    Posts: 1960

    Where I live used to be a tropical rainforest and it also used to be under a glacier. The only thing permanent is change.

    As a side note – I fished with Mr Meyers once. He smokes a pipe. When I sold my Pro-V, it had only one bad scar inside: a 50-cent piece sized burn in the carpet….from where he set his pipe down and kicked it over while landing a Rainy River ‘eye. Maybe that carpet burn helped cause global warming….. That is just as scientific a reason as he states.

    Just a thought – Tim?!?!

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749


    “the sky is falling!- again” getting kinda old, isnt it? as soon as china and india start putting industrial safeguards and air scrubbers on all their factories, and as soon as all the poor ol’ downtrodden africans stop usbing up every bit of firewood and stop burning dung for fuel and heat, and as soon as our south american friends stop clear cutting the rain forests, then, maybe then, we can discuss if this “global wamring” is real or not.

    Great Point G3!!! The rest of the world is doing very little if anything to address these problems…One of the worst polluters are the Scandinavians!
    No ethnic slurs intended…

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3542

    I am wondering how many SUV`s there are on Mars as it`s polar caps are showing signs of melting.

    One volcanic erruption puts more polution in the air then man in all it`s history. That was on Public Broadcasting imagine them actually allowing that to be shown from scientist.

    The Sun is going through one of it`s heat cylces from what I have read. It`s surfice tempeture is rising, as part of a normal cycle, as it has done for eons.

    Metro MN
    Posts: 69

    Please stop, Tom P. You are making way too much sense. Can’t you just go along to get along? If anyone is interested, I have 5 slightly used carbon credits for sale. Asking $4,000 each for them

    Savage, MN
    Posts: 80

    I agree whole-heartedly!!! We as a society need to just stop and take a deep breath. Feel better now…don’t ya! Anyway, I still remember Ted Danson parading his mug all over the airwaves telling everyone that the “New Iceage” was coming in the 70’s! Where the heck is he now! I also remember, not that many years ago, pictures of boats sitting high-and-dry on Lake Minnetonka because of the 100 year drought! The water levels were so low that it “was going to take 20 years to get them back to average levels” (according to the experts) only to see “No Wake Signs” rear their ugly heads the very next spring. one thing I’ve learned in my years on this earth is “Mother Nature has a way of taking care of herself”. Nuff Said!


    P.S. I’m still chuckling about the Mastadon Fart thing!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    I alway like when writers print stuff like:


    Scientists say that within a few decades some Minnesota lakes probably will be too warm for walleye to thrive……

    but don’t actually print a name. Scientists huh? Same scientists Al Gore sides with?

    I just wrote a letter to Mr Myers asking for the name of this scientist and where to get details on this scientific report. As this is the first time I have heard about it.

    Funny, no one told the walleyes in Tx and Nv they can’t live in warm water…..


    I have given up hounding Mr Myers for the names of the scientists and report he refers to in his article. I can only assume they don’t exist and he made them up. Mr Myers and the editors at the Duluth News have lost any and all credibility to me.

    Be very careful what you read from this so called “News” source.


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