Baldwin isn’t too far from Everts. Dean has a set up in the baitshop.
I’ve heard about handlining before on IDA, but last weekend I was talking to one of the FLW Pros and he explained to me how it works an why it’s more efficent. In a nutshell, it keeps your lures in the strike zone better. HL also allows a person to cover “spots” better as a person can cover the water from left to right…where a three way rig or lead lineing is pulling the bait forward.
If I was a wallabe guy, I would look into the set up.
There were at least 10 boats handlining in front of Everts for the FLW Tour.
PS I’ve never been in a boat handlining so I’m only repeating what I was told by a pro.
Hey Scott, do they handline on lakes too? I’m guessing it’s not as effective without current(?)