Question about Pflueger reel in Pulse R video

  • Zanderz
    Posts: 9

    Saw the Pulse R Paddle Tail video , Rainy River with James Holst & Chris Granrud.
    Awesome stuff, very cool video.
    Ordered some paddle tails right away.
    Saw the Pflueger reel on James his rod and i totally love it. Im told its a Pflueger Supreme, size 30
    I think its a smaller size, its more like a size 25 .
    I want to order the reel , but want the exact same size as James is using in the video. Im used to shimano 1000 and Tica Cetus sb 500. Hopefully, someone can confirm what size reel it actually is.
    Want to order it , but we dont have Pflueger in the stores here in The Netherlands. So its hard to tell how big the reel actually is.
    Hope some one can tell me.
    Thanks in advance,

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    Dont quote me but do believe it is a Pflueger Supreme 8030MG ,it was the most popular size Supreme used by walleye fisherman.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853


    Dont quote me but do believe it is a Pflueger Supreme 8030MG ,it was the most popular size Supreme used by walleye fisherman.

    Confirmed,I got those for James.

    Posts: 9

    Ok thanks , but the 30 size is just as big ad a 2500 shimano, Chris has a 2500 shimano in the video, and james has a very small reel there. It has to be a 25 size pflueger.

    Posts: 36

    I do believe the 2500 Shimano is bigger than the size 30 Pflueger.

    Posts: 4033

    A 25 series pflueger is a panfish reel. I highly doubt James would use one for walleye. Pflueger are smaller than most brands, Their 30’s are more like other brands 20 or 25.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Well I have 5 Presidents…2- 20’s 1- 25 1-30 and 1-40
    and IMHO the 25 works well for Walleyes.
    The 30 would be good also but I use mine more for Bass.

    The 20s are the panfish reels…..

    Posts: 9

    Mudshark, you’re right! I live in the Netherlands and caught Zanders up to 99 cm! With Tica Cetus Sb 500! No problem at all, pitching small jigs and vertical jigging!
    So i dont understand the comotion that a 25 should be too light or small.
    I just have my questions on the indepth outdoor video, and the size James was using, the reel is just as small as a little Shamano stradic 1000 or even smaller… And i didnt knew the size scale on the Pfluegers i asked around.
    Still think this isnt a 30 size. I saw a piture on the net from a bass fisherman, he had a pflueger size 30 right next to a shimano 2500 and they are identical in size!

    Posts: 4033

    So if you are from a different country and don’t know the sizes of pfluegers, how can you tell the guy who SOLD james the reels that he is wrong?

    The supreme 25 is a panfish reel. Holds 110 yards of 4lb line or 90 yards of 6lb. It would work for vertical jigging but that would be about it. The president 20 is only a tiny bit smaller and would be what I consider a “micro” reel. For throwing tiny baits or ice fishing.

    The supreme 30 is the standard walleye size. Don’t worry about the # on the end, worry about the line capacity and reel weight. Those are the two big factors. The 30 holds 145 yards of 6lb or 130 yards of 8. That is about the standard walleye reel for any brand.

    I don’t know any bass fisherman that would use a 30 series supreme for anything but super finesse drop shot. Most use 35 and 40.

    Your question on the in depth video has been answered by the man who sold James the reels. James was using a 30 series supreme.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I gotta’ be honest here, I would NOT recommend that reel. Out of the box they feel great. After a little use they start to show their true colors. It has been a disappointment for me… endless issues with the back reel not working properly and it is nowhere near as smooth as a comparably priced shimano. For all intents and purposes it is destined for the trash heap after 3 or 4 years of intermittent use while I have 10 – 12 year old Sedonas for half the price that still work flawlessly.

    Posts: 9

    BBK , all im saying is that they look smaller in the video.
    I’m not saying that the guy who sold James the reels is wrong, thats what you’re saying!

    Posts: 9

    Thanks James for clearin that up.

    Posts: 9

    I just ordered 3 Pflueger XT’s , so we’ll see how they hold up!
    Thanks everyone.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972


    The supreme 25 is a panfish reel. Holds 110 yards of 4lb line or 90 yards of 6lb.

    You have your opinion I have mine…In my area the 25 works well using braided line….
    Again IMHO


    I don’t know any bass fisherman that would use a 30 series supreme for anything but super finesse drop shot. Most use 35 and 40

    Not that I’m a “bass fisherman” but the 30 also works well for me……I finesse everything

    Different strokes for different folks..

    Posts: 9

    Mudshark, you said it best.

    Overhere in the Netherlands we fish for zanders, these grow a lot larger than walleyes, we mainly fish vertical with jigs, and overhere a shimano 1000 is the biggest reel we use for braided lines, size 2500 is used for mono, for livebait.There are fishermen who jig on rivers and catch zanders that are 90 centimeters or even meter plus!

    These fishe weigh between 8-10 kilograms, and were caught with braid lines and shimano 1000 sizes and Tica cetus SB 500 sizes, so a Pflueger size 25 must be aible to do that job a little better than a Tica cetus, imho!

    Posts: 9

    I doesnt matter. Anymore what size you had or didnt have in the paddle tail rainy river video.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749



    The supreme 25 is a panfish reel. Holds 110 yards of 4lb line or 90 yards of 6lb.

    You have your opinion I have mine…In my area the 25 works well using braided line….
    Again IMHO


    I don’t know any bass fisherman that would use a 30 series supreme for anything but super finesse drop shot. Most use 35 and 40

    Not that I’m a “bass fisherman” but the 30 also works well for me……I finesse everything

    Different strokes for different folks..

    I have caught more Walleye/Sauger than I care to count on lightweight spinning reels that held 100-120 yds of 6# mono…The reels match the rods, mostly St Croix Extremes, I use for balance. Pflueger Patriarch 25, Shimano Stradic 1500, and Fin Nor Ahab Lite 10.
    I have never felt I lost a fish because the reel was too small…

    Posts: 63


    I have 10 – 12 year old Sedonas for half the price that still work flawlessly.

    Hi James – Thanks for the feedback. Which model of the Shimano Sedona are you fishing the Pulsars with?

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