Lead Core Question

  • holstc
    Posts: 124

    I had the pleasure of learning the open water ropes this past season from Brad here on ido via mille lacs. We caught lots of fish on leadcore. One thing the leadcore did was take away some of the fight.

    The basic leadcore formula has been depth of lure with given leader length (30-50ft) plus 5 feet per color at 2mph.

    Can a guy run 100ft leaders off the lead to maximize the fight for the last 100 ft and still get the depth that leadcore provides given the formula above or does that length leader affect the equation?


    Posts: 95

    I don’t think it will make any difference in the fight- the amount of lead is tough on Walleyes- it is noticeable on salmon but not like it is on the Walleyes.

    rochester, mn
    Posts: 325

    Try the new suffix leadcore. That alone might give you what you are looking for.

    Posts: 1746


    Try the new suffix leadcore. That alone might give you what you are looking for.

    are you saying the sufix braid 832 or the sufix leadcore

    and how long of leader?

    I was running cabela’s leadcore with an 18 foot leader

    Now I have changed mine over to the sufix lead with a 20 foot braid leader

    the 832 came out after I had already got the sufix lead

    will have to add though that the sufix lead looks better then the cabela’s lead I was using – have not had a chance to use yet as I just repooled and calibrated my linecounter reels

    Charlie “Turk” Gierke
    Hudson Wisconsin
    Posts: 1020


    Can a guy run 100ft leaders off the lead to maximize the fight for the last 100 ft and still get the depth that leadcore provides given the formula above or does that length leader affect the equation?


    Yes you will still get the depth from the leadcore AND you will get the depth from the crankbaits dive curve with 100 feet of line out. Average diving cranks will give you 7 to 17 feet of depth on the particular crank bait you are using with 100 feet out.

    IMO a 100 foot leader will be pretty silly. 20 to 50 feet, sure pretty manageable. Also the fact is lead core is used to CATCH fish and not for the pure sport of the fight. The skill comes into actually getting the fish to bite, not in the fight. I take that back, the skill comes in when the fish are lightly hooked and you need to keep tension on the fish, while waves from TUNA boats knock your boat backwards (Got to love the St. Croix River).

    Hope my response helps.

    Keep cathchin’

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914


    Also the fact is lead core is used to CATCH fish and not for the pure sport of the fight. The skill comes into actually getting the fish to bite, not in the fight.

    I would agree with that statement. If you are wanting more sport, use trolling to find em, then sit on em and cast to em.

    But personally, I love to catch em trolling. Still quite a bit of fun on a 5′ shortie rod loaded with lead and you’re trying your best to get a good fish in.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6101


    Can a guy run 100ft leaders off the lead to maximize the fight for the last 100 ft and still get the depth that leadcore provides given the formula above or does that length leader affect the equation?


    The length of the leader will affect the depth equation. To feel the fight of the fish more I would move to the new 832 Suffix Leadcore which has a lot more sensitivity and combine that leadcore line with a braid leader.

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