House OKs an early start to Fishing Season

  • dank
    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 1123

    From the startribune:

    Minnesota’s fishing season would be moved up a week to May 5 this year under a bill approved Tuesday by the Minnesota House.

    The Senate still must OK the idea — virtually unprecedented. The season now is set to open May 12.

    “This is a bonus week of fishing, not a [new] fishing opener,” said Rep. David Dill, DFL-Crane Lake, who offered the proposal in an amendment to a large game and fish bill. He said the proposal would only affect the 2012 season, not future seasons, and said the state should take advantage of what may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

    Because of the unusually warm spring and record ice-out, walleyes will spawn early this year, he said, so there should be no biological reason to not open the season earlier. Dill said some resort owners told him they don’t want to open a week early.

    “They don’t have to,” Dill said.

    Department of Natural Resources Commissioner Tom Landwehr said Monday that moving up the fishing opener shouldn’t interfere with the spawning season, and he wouldn’t have a problem with it.

    Dill and Sen. Tom Bakk, DFL-Cook, also noted that the regular fishing opener weekend clashes with Mother’s Day this year, and moving it a week earlier will prevent that.

    Meanwhile, if you’re looking for ice in Minnesota, better head to the refrigerator. Most Minnesota lakes now are ice-free, shattering records. Lake Bemidji and Leech Lake went ice-free on Monday, setting records, while ice departed Lake Kabetogama, Namakan Lake and Lower Red Lake and Island Lake near Duluth on Sunday.

    Most of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness also is open water. Also, little ice is on Lake Vermilion, but ice remains on Lake of the Woods and Rainy Lake.


    Battle Lake, MN
    Posts: 977

    Sounds like i better pick up the pace….this should be interesting if it passes.

    So are they doing this for economic impact, mothers day, or simply the fact that the ice went out so early? Why didn’t they do it 2 years ago when most lakes were ice free by April 1st? Or do they really have no idea what the heck they are doing?

    Hope they get it figured out sooner than later as i had 4 calls today from guests out of state wondering what was going on… Govt. shutdown last year now this? What the…

    New Prague, MN
    Posts: 578

    Would all openers be moved up a week? So bass wouldn’t be memorial weekend? Muskie would be earlier?

    Mike Klein
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 1026

    Takes the tradition out for some that have reservations already. So much for fishing wi opener and mn. Seems silly to me to make the change so late. JMO

    The Shores of Lake Harriet
    Posts: 2043

    They have nothing better to do – and there is no economic impact of doing this – other than taking the “tradition” out of tradition.

    A better approach would be to create a “special season” and open a few lakes early and charge to fish/net or spear on them. Only for non-native americans.

    That way, there would be some real revenue behind this.

    I feel bad for people with reservations and resort owners.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Politics as usual in MN. Since the house & senate are controlled by DFL majorities this year, its about the only thing these DFL guys could get passed. Pretty sad

    I’m calling my Representative today to find out if it included Bass.

    Posts: 4941

    Ahemm republicans are the majority party in control.

    Posts: 4033

    WOW, I feel sorry for people who payed extra to book opener weekend with guides/resorts. Wonder if they will get the rates reduced now that they are a week behind?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I could be wrong…as I am many times, but doesn’t this happen every 6 years or so?

    Nothing to do with POLITICS
    Nothing to do with early ice out

    Just normal adjustments?

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121

    What a stupid waste of taxpayer’s $$. I’d fully support an earlier season if it were thought out in advance, but it is moronic to make a change on the fly without any actual logic as to why.

    As others have pointed out it shouldn’t make much of a difference if you already have reservations, but that isn’t always the case… What about the night ban on Mille Lacs? So anyone with reservations to be at the lake on the 12th would be SOL for night fishing?

    Our politicians need to quit wasting time on crap like this and focus their efforts on important things… Like building us a stadium

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Like building us a stadium

    You would have lived just as long had you not said that Will.

    Winnie/Grand Rapids,MN
    Posts: 902

    It doesn’t make a difference to me other then I will get the boat out a week sooner to go threw things. As far as the political end of things I think its a joke. This late in the game they wanna up and change opening day

    So why didn’t they have a late opener last year or a early one in 2010? Is this something we can expect every year now depending on ice out!

    What really gets me is just last week the DNR came out with a list of lakes that will have certain areas closed off to protect the spawn. Some of which are set at June 30th

    Will Roseberg
    Hanover, MN
    Posts: 2121



    Like building us a stadium

    You would have lived just as long had you not said that Will.

    too early for satire?

    Posts: 4941

    A little birdie who has his thumb on what is going on this year at the Legislative session, desribes this session with one word.


    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4078

    How about we have no closed season for Walleye fishing, set the statewide limit at 4, and allow 2 lines per angler.

    New Prague, MN
    Posts: 578

    Still wondering if this will set bass and muskie opener sooner?

    Posts: 1054

    I am for them getting rid of openers all together. Most States are year round. In SD they post spawning areas temporarily to protect fish. Why not just have catch and release from 3/31 till may 15th etc or base it on the weather that year.. I hate the opener mentality and 3 ring circus effect. Pool 2 has shown that year round season have not adversely effected fish populations. Just make c&r during spawning times. IMHO


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    I am for them getting rid of openers all together.

    People in the resort biz like vacations too.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094


    I’m calling my Representative today to find out if it included Bass.

    Found it Online after a reply:

    House: Fish & Game Bill

    37.24 Sec. 81. FISHING OPENER; 2012.

    37.25The 2012 open season for taking fish by angling shall begin on Saturday, May

    37.265, 2012, for the taking of species that would otherwise begin on May 12, 2012, under

    37.27Minnesota Statutes, section

    97C.395, and rules of the commissioner of natural resources.

    Short answer is NO

    The BASS & MUSKIE opener’s

    are NOT changing.

    Only for those that would open May 12th.

    I’m calling my Senator & Vern a.k.a. BUZZ to see if we can get the Senate version to incluse Bass & Muskie.

    Posts: 556


    How about we have no closed season for Walleye fishing, set the statewide limit at 4, and allow 2 lines per angler.

    Never happen!! Makes way too much sense.

    Ramsey, Mn
    Posts: 113

    The ice went out Sunday and Monday, but they waited until Tuesday to pass the legislation? What took so long? Cheese and rice, you’d think they didn’t have anything better to do.

    Quintin Biermann
    Webster, South Dakota
    Posts: 436


    How about we have no closed season for Walleye fishing, set the statewide limit at 4, and allow 2 lines per angler.

    Similiar to Sodak, I love this state

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