I’m a catfish guy, don’t know a thing about saugers. I have a good sauger fishery right out my back door and want to try targeting a new species (for me) this year. Here’s the situation; the tri-county canal in south-central Nebraska is normally less than 50 yards wide, and the average depth is 10′-12′ deep with occasional small scour holes that are 30′-35’deep. There’s always a current of several mph. I know where our game and parks nets saugers at the end of March for eggs/milt (immediately below one of the numerous check dams) and I want to target these fish prior to then. I have a boat, sonar. Can I assume they’re in pre-spawn right now? Drag jigs tipped with crawlers on the bottom of the deep holes? Slip bobber the eddies? Doll flies along the rip-rap? Any advice/thoughts/suggestions would be great!
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