Hey Walleye Guys

  • trumar
    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    When dragging,pitching or vertical jigging do you prefer a particular color jig for a particular method or do you always mix it up?


    Do you drag certain colors that you dont pitch or vertical jig with ?

    I have good luck pitching a black/brown jig but fail to the same luck while Dragging it, no matter what speed.

    I have better luck dragging a kelly green jig than pitching it.

    Where while fishing with a patriot jig is doesnt seem to matter what method I am using.

    Has color made difference for you while fishing certain methods?

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 1960

    I have a general starting point.

    Clear water, I start with either black or light blue.

    Dirty water, either Orange/Chart or Firetiger.

    I mix it up from there.

    Posts: 7

    in michigan orange orange orange some time white glow backup perch pattern

    Brian Lyons
    Posts: 894


    When dragging,pitching or vertical jigging do you prefer a particular color jig for a particular method or do you always mix it up?

    Hey Jeff
    In our part of the world the go to colors for me are:
    Kelly Green
    I carry alot of other colors around in plano boxes, but these are the colors I use

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