Extensions on LOW

  • King Dinger
    Posts: 75

    Hey guys were headed to Lake of the Woods fri and was wondering if I need to buy an extension for my auger for the trip? Anyone been fishing there recently who could confirm ice thickness. Thank you for any input.

    Bruce Keister
    Posts: 42

    Was there last weekend and needed one but we drilled holes inside of a ice castle without it lowered down,if just in a portable I’d say you’d be fine, I’d say roughly 16-18 inches of ice where we were

    Avon, MN
    Posts: 639

    How much snow is up there?

    Karry Kyllo
    Posts: 1403

    There was maybe 8-10 inches of snow where I was fishing a couple weekends ago when I went out about 8 miles on Cyrus’s road.
    It wasn’t drifted up very much and mostly flat, but the ice was very rough with many sharp, jagged ridges across the lake. The resort roads are actually quite smooth this year so far, but there was water on top of the ice in many spots on the road.

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    I was up out of Zipple bay last weekend with a bunch of buddies. We had three houses spread out. There was about 14″ of ice and about 8″ of snow. We also brought the sleds and Otters. We caught a lot of sauger 13″-15.5″ and very few walleye (plenty to eat). We fished 20 different spots. We used 3/16″oz spoons and plain hooks and shiners on the set lines. We fished from a mile out to 14 miles out. No place was better than a few miles right out of Zipple. Most of the fish were caught in the sleeper houses. Great place to go out of. Great people. Good food and beer. The guys enjoyed the igloo bar and the fishing was as good as anywhere we found. I’m sure there was better spots but we didn’t find any.

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