Extended run tanks for generators

  • belgianbuctail
    Posts: 21

    Looking for feedback on the extended run tanks for my Honda generator. It looks like the Bergs system is the most readily available. Reading some reviews people mentioned the tanks swelling as the cap has no vent like the Honda cap does. Good, bad or ugly information that anyone can provide I would appreciate.

    Posts: 6631

    Save yourself a fair amount of money and put together your own.

    You can buy the caps on Amazon and hook it to any tank and hose you would like.

    Make sure to buy a tank that has a hose with a primer bulb, and I’d recommend modifying the cap with a 90° fitting so the hose doesn’t kink in warmer weather.

    You can buy cap kits cheap that also come with a no-mess oil change tube and a dipstick with a magnet (I think this is the same one I bought).

    If all of your fittings are tight the generator will make enough vacuum to keep itself primed and not have to rely on gravity.

    1. Screenshot_20221204-1909552.png

    Posts: 122

    I have a Berg system for my Powerhorse. It took some sleuthing to find someone who carried the Yamaha cap to fit it. It does work for my generator, and I don’t have a bulb. Mine needs to be gravity fed as well. I liked the Berg hose because of the quick connect, but when it’s cold the spring doesn’t always engage, unless I warm it up in my hand. Also, you may be able to find the old gas caps for the external tank that has a vent knob on Amazon.

    Central Mn
    Posts: 1603

    I would recommend a cap from eBay, a quick clip and prong for the external gas tank, and a piece of good gas line (flexible in the cold). A bulb is just another place for an air leak. Super easy project. The external tanks are all vented. You have to use the original Honda cap if not using the external tank as the new cap you buy is not vented.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6736

    I run the Berg system and it works great, agree it can be a pain to get hooked up when really cold. Sits next to the gen in the truck and feeds fuel like intended. So much better than getting up and filling the gen.

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    I have purchased both, I bought the cap on eBay for like $20 or less can’t remember. It didn’t work the best not sure if it was something I did but couldn’t get it to reliably supply gas. I broke down this summer and bought berg system and that works great.

    Central Mn
    Posts: 1603

    If you have a problem with the cap i would bet anything it’s the gasket. I always carry a spare I make from rubber gasket material.

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