Experts agree…go fishing.

  • Dutchboy
    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    That does it applause we all should run out and fish tomorrow. bow Lets meet on pool 4 at 10am. toast

    Posts: 293

    The governor just closed pool 4.
    Read it on My space

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    The governor just closed pool 4.
    Read it on My space

    good thing! just got back in time then, holy balls was it rough out there today.

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3210

    The governor just closed pool 4.
    Read it on My space

    What’s My space???

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    There’s a ton of mis-conception with the virus and how the testing, and the results, has been handled. First there was no way for the state to run all the samples taken. Then more samples were added to the mix. Most samples simply got froze until the state could ramp up and get the results. Then Mayo came along and said they’d test the sample backlog for the state. Now as May is doing this with some of the samples from a couple months back, where do you suppose any positive results go….none other than right in todays list of positive cases. That’s not right and these old tests should either be scrapped or start a new column to add them to but certainly not add them in todays test results.

    Home Depot, Fleetfarm, Menards [north store a friggin zoo this morning] have both begun to limit shopper numbers and line extend for a block just to get in. So fishing might not be a bad idea.

    I’m all for watching the numbers and stuff but I think the state needs to step up and use CURRENT numbers based on IMMEDIATELY current tests, not be lumping two month old crap in there with todays testing.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    317 of the 395 deaths so far have been from senior centers, nursing homes, or assisted living. Certainly anyone can get sick but it’s quite obvious that the vast majority of the mortality rate are elderly.

    Go fishing, keep your distance, stay safe.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    317 of the 395 deaths so far have been from senior centers, nursing homes, or assisted living. Certainly anyone can get sick but it’s quite obvious that the vast majority of the mortality rate are elderly.

    Go fishing, keep your distance, stay safe.

    Those places are huge Petrie dishes.

    Posts: 1166

    Except that his guidance on fishing in the same boat together goes against the DNR who says that only people from the same household can share a boat.

    This is the kind of thing that just makes people throw their hands in the air in confusion and just say f it.

    Posts: 3913

    I may get hate mail for this but here goes,first off I am a realist.
    I have believed all of my life that dying is just as much a part of living as living is,people die everyday day in and day out.
    and yes,,,its terribly sad when folks go too soon,especially young people.

    it is a fact that we are all going to die someday,me too?? most certainly.
    that said,after being housebound for three years due to a chemical injury that nearly took my life and being fed through an IV for over a year because my innards wouldnt work like they were supposed to,I no longer live in fear of anything including this crap.

    I WILL go outside everyday,I WILL live to the fullest with what I have left.
    I WILL practice safety for others for their sake but I refuse to be told I cant do this and cant do that…
    I WILL never stoop and bow to unknown facts or those who spout them twenty four seven.

    you see,I have had those liberties taken from me several years ago,yes,you can see through a window of whats going on outside but its not the same as living it.
    I still fight reactions to this day,I am a ticking time bomb and will die just like those who are suffering from agent orange from the Nam era.
    oh well,enough about me,and yes,I am going fishing,even though I have had Lyme disease twice in the last fifteen years,I WILL die doing something……

    carry on

    Posts: 2218

    I may get hate mail for this but here goes,first off I am a realist.
    I have believed all of my life that dying is just as much a part of living as living is,people die everyday day in and day out.
    and yes,,,its terribly sad when folks go too soon,especially young people.

    it is a fact that we are all going to die someday,me too?? most certainly.
    that said,after being housebound for three years due to a chemical injury that nearly took my life and being fed through an IV for over a year because my innards wouldnt work like they were supposed to,I no longer live in fear of anything including this crap.

    I WILL go outside everyday,I WILL live to the fullest with what I have left.
    I WILL practice safety for others for their sake but I refuse to be told I cant do this and cant do that…
    I WILL never stoop and bow to unknown facts or those who spout them twenty four seven.

    you see,I have had those liberties taken from me several years ago,yes,you can see through a window of whats going on outside but its not the same as living it.
    I still fight reactions to this day,I am a ticking time bomb and will die just like those who are suffering from agent orange from the Nam era.
    oh well,enough about me,and yes,I am going fishing,even though I have had Lyme disease twice in the last fifteen years,I WILL die doing something……

    carry on

    You will never get hate mail from me for that comment. toast waytogo

    Reef W
    Posts: 3178

    There’s a ton of mis-conception with the virus and how the testing, and the results, has been handled.

    There sure is roll Take your pick:

    March 22nd – Mayo Clinic helps eliminate COVID-19 test backlog for the state of Minnesota

    March 22nd – The daily coronavirus update: 32 new cases; testing backlog cleared

    March 23rd – Backlog of COVID-19 tests is eliminated with Mayo’s help

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