It’s illegal to move uncertified firewood out of quarantined areas. The emerald ash borer quarantine areas are:
The following are designated as quarantined areas in Minnesota:
i. The entire county of:
Anoka, Blue Earth, Brown, Carver, Cottonwood, Chisago, Dakota,
Dodge, Fillmore, Freeborn, Goodhue, Hennepin, Houston, Le Sueur,
Martin, Mower, Nicollet, Nobles, Olmsted, Ramsey, Redwood, Rice,
Scott, Sibley, Stearns, Steele, Wabasha, Waseca, Washington, Winona,
ii. The portion of St. Louis County in Minnesota including:
West boundary: St. Louis/Carlton County border traveling north on
Minnesota Highway 33 to the intersection of U.S. Highway 53; then
following U.S. Highway 53 north to the intersection of Three
Lakes Road (County Highway 49) North boundary: Three Lakes Road
(County Highway 49) at the intersection of U.S. Highway 53
traveling east to the intersection of Vermilion Trail; then the northern
edge of Gnesen, North Star, and Alden Townships to the St. Louis/Lake
County border East boundary: St. Louis/Lake County border
South boundary: St. Louis County border and St. Louis/Carlton County
border to Minnesota Highway 33
iii. The portion of Lake County in Minnesota including:
West boundary: St Louis/Lake County border traveling north to the
northern quarantine line of St. Louis County. Then eastward 13.5 miles
to Lake Superior following across the northern border of Twp 53N, R
11W, Twp 53N, R 10W, and Twp 53N R 9W.
iv. The portion of Carlton County in Minnesota including:
Northernmost SW corner of the St. Louis County Quarantine just north
of Cloquet clockwise along the border of Carlton and St. Louis Counties
Jay Cooke State Park Boundary and following the boundary west to the
City of Thomson then west on 210 to the eastern border of the Fond Du
Lac Reservation, then following that border north, until the Carlton and
St. Louis County line running east till it abuts the existing quarantine in
St. Louis County at which point meets the origin of this description.
v. The portion of Kandiyohi County in Minnesota including: The
northeastern corner of Kandiyohi county, going south on highway 71
from Stearns county to highway 12, then east to Meeker county and
north along the border to Stearns county.
Tried to edit my other post and spam filter killed it. Certified producers are here: