Expect a new Livescope 2.0 Announcement Soon…

  • JoeMX1825
    Posts: 19406

    With Humminbird lifting the curtain on MegaLive 2, it starts the clock for Garmin and Lowrance to announce their Gen2/3 systems…I think Humminbird’s new Megalive2 requirements also give hints at what Garmin/Lowrance will be doing as well.

    * Expect new Hardware models that will be required for Livescope 2.0, these units will have alot more CPU horsepower needed for the image processing (see final bullet about still requiring a black box) Older units will not be compatible, that’s why you’re seeing them currently being closed out…
    * Extended range and improved image clarity and stabilization will be the key improvements, I also suspect there will be increased beam width to make it easier to see your lure in the water column…
    * I suspect Garmin/Lowrance will also introduce a new pole turning accessory that works directly with the new Transducer beam to allow target locking (FFS’s biggest complaint)

    I also expect big price increases…

    The biggest wildcard imo is if Garmin/Lowrance will do away with the GLS10 or similar separate processing box requirement, this is the one area Humminbird has a clear advantage and where Garmin/Lowrance need to figure out how to eliminate it form their setups….

    Stay tuned for more info….

    Posts: 12682

    If it wasn’t at this last years Icast I can’t imagine it will be released before next years icast in July. Pretty easy to get rid of the black box. It will just make head units more expensive and not backwards compatible.

    Posts: 19406

    The Bassmaster’s Classic is late March, that’s when alot of unofficial new product releases happen when the Pro’s give boat/setup tours to the media. I’m just saying the announcement will be coming soon…GPSMap86xx units still require the blackbox for current Livescope and those have the most powerful processors Garmin has. Humminbird broke the mold by putting some image processing in the transducer itself, obviously that tradeoff then requires a larger footprint and more cords involved…

    I’m anxious to see if/how Garmin & Lowrance solves it (or do they still require a separate box) eliminating 5 lbs off Ice Shuttles is huge…

    Posts: 613

    Watching videos on mega 2 and eagle 9, I dont think garmin needs to release anything anytime soon. Still a better product. Even looking at mega 2, The cost alone is nuts, and half their customer base that already runs mega 1 will have to start from scratch. Yeah the black box is a pain and heavy, but you can get into Garmin livescope for sub 2k for a used unit, or sub 3k for brand new. If pricing is correct on Mega 2 (going off a few youtube videos and their comment section) it looked like 2K just for the screen.

    Posts: 19406

    Watching videos on mega 2 and eagle 9, I dont think garmin needs to release anything anytime soon. Still a better product. Even looking at mega 2, The cost alone is nuts, and half their customer base that already runs mega 1 will have to start from scratch. Yeah the black box is a pain and heavy, but you can get into Garmin livescope for sub 2k for a used unit, or sub 3k for brand new. If pricing is correct on Mega 2 (going off a few youtube videos and their comment section) it looked like 2K just for the screen.

    They can’t hold out forever though, it becomes increasingly difficult to find older chipsets, parts, etc…The sales this holiday season are telling (Garmin has done mail-in rebates in the past) not instant $200 savings at the retailer…the whole upgrade the head unit requirement is likely going to be done by all 3 brands, it allows them to push higher margins and built out new product lines, new price tiers, etc…The LVS34 was just a stopgap product release to keep people interested, its identical to the LVS32 other than larger crystals that needed a larger form factor housing…

    It sounds like increased range and image stability and clarity are the core improvements for MegaLive2, I think the “Targeting” feature is where the brands will differ…wasn’t MegaLive 1.0 originally $1,500?

    Posts: 1996

    How many guys with helix g4s were waiting for mega live 2 to come out before switching to garmin ? Birds choice to not make mega live 2 work in helix units is going to cost them a ton of market share I personally think. Will be garmin for my next live unit because of this .

    Posts: 1023

    I had planned on updating to the 34 from the 32. Now you have me wondering if I should wait.

    Posts: 19406

    I had planned on updating to the 34 from the 32. Now you have me wondering if I should wait.

    I would for sure wait until the new year…they should announce something by then…

    Justin Laack
    Posts: 514

    If it wasn’t at this last years Icast I can’t imagine it will be released before next years icast in July.

    Not necessarily true, mega live 2 was just announced in Amsterdam last week and expected to be released early spring.

    Posts: 24516

    Watching videos on mega 2 and eagle 9, I dont think garmin needs to release anything anytime soon.

    The eagle 9 is a budget system for 1000. Has limitations for sure not comparable to the best from all companies the Lowrance active target 2 would be it’s been out a year.

    Posts: 588

    Spoke with the fishing manager at Scheels today. They already put in their spring 2025 orders with Garmin and no new tech was available

    SE MN
    Posts: 127

    Found this on another site.

    Posts: 411

    Meh, at this point I think I’ll just wait until whatever generation they start financing these things, or more likely move to a subscription model.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21895

    I’ll continue to be one of the guys who doesn’t stare down at a screen the entire time in the great out doors on the water. And teach my kid the same.
    There is nothing even a little exciting about these releases

    Posts: 106

    I’ll continue to be one of the guys who doesn’t stare down at a screen the entire time in out doors on the water. And teach my kid the same.
    There is nothing even a little exciting about these releases

    I am with Bearcat on this one. I see guys chasing their electronics more than chasing fish. Opening weekend on Winnie I had to holler at two boat owners who were staring at their electronics so hard they were not looking at where they were going. I do use some electronics but not to the point I forget I am fishing or driving a boat.

    The sky is the limit on these electronics. There will always be a new bigger better unit coming out. IMO find one you like, learn it and stick with it.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13378

    Yep. If I wanted to watch a screen I would stay at home. Didn’t take long to sell mine. Wanted it gone before the new models came out and it was worthless.

    Posts: 1023

    I’ll continue to be one of the guys who doesn’t stare down at a screen the entire time in the great out doors on the water. And teach my kid the same.
    There is nothing even a little exciting about these releases

    Aside from tip up fishing, don’t you stare at a flasher most of the time? I know I did and don’t feel that my eye balls are on the screen more or less when switching from a flasher to live scope for ice fishing.

    I don’t use it on open water for that very reason though. I don’t want to stare at the screen all day when in the boat. Plus open water fishing is a completely different game than ice.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18702

    I’ll continue to be one of the guys who doesn’t stare down at a screen the entire time in the great out doors on the water. And teach my kid the same.
    There is nothing even a little exciting about these releases

    Tournament fishing has turned into virtually nothing but a scope fest almost each and every time one is held. Even the kayak events and Tuesday night local derbies are doing it. Muskie records are only being broken because of this. The final bassmaster elite event on the St Lawrence River in August was unbearable. Anglers wouldn’t even wet a line until they spotted at least a 3 pound smallmouth on the screen. Its despicable to fish that way IMO.

    It used to be that anglers would need to maximize their fishing time and in order to do that their lines needed to be in the water as often as possible. Now they just slowly cruise around looking at graphs.

    I’ve been tempted to jump into the scene with this new $1000 Lowrance bundle called the eagle eye 9, but I keep coming back to the same question: is this how I want to fish? Staring at a bunch of lines on a graph? And the answer each time is an emphatic no.

    Posts: 19406

    I think alot of guys get stuck into the Livescope stereotype of constant screen staring…

    in Ice fishing, yes, but its ZERO different then staring at a flasher…

    in open water, the idea that you’re going to be staring at your screen the entire time is a myth, it’s pretty dang hard to keep the cone angle aligned with your cast while reeling your lure in…so while you do look at your screen, it’s typically when scanning the water before you cast…its this very reason that I hardly ever use forward mode when using Livescope in a boat… I do use down mode when jigging directly over structure and yes i’m looking at my screen when doing it, but its mostly quick glances until I see a fish move onto the screen, then i’m locked on, how is that any different than staring at your line or rod tip in the water?

    If somebody was watching their screen for every cast the entire time they are out fishing, then I think we would all agree that’s just ridiculous, but that’s just not reality…

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1844

    I hope the new Livescope has 4D display, that way I can catch fish in other dimensions. Fingers crossed.

    Posts: 1996

    I love a good livescope debate . I would still argue to say there’s less than 5 percent using it to its full potential . Go to the redwing dam on the current seem on the Wisconsin side snd look around at the scopers . Are they catching anymore than anyone else ? Rarely .

    My buddy has scope and 5 garmin 10s on his boat – while it’s certainly interesting he hasn’t mastered the pick off the big ones technique . Still does a ton of trolling .

    Now the tournament boys …. They got it figured out . Watch tour level gold on YouTube . Great show following the NWT . But your average Joe that goes 10 times a year on the water aren’t really a threat in my opinion . Yet …

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21895

    I think alot of guys get stuck into the Livescope stereotype of constant screen staring…

    in Ice fishing, yes, but its ZERO different then staring at a flasher…

    in open water, the idea that you’re going to be staring at your screen the entire time is a myth, it’s pretty dang hard to keep the cone angle aligned with your cast while reeling your lure in…so while you do look at your screen, it’s typically when scanning the water before you cast…its this very reason that I hardly ever use forward mode when using Livescope in a boat… I do use down mode when jigging directly over structure and yes i’m looking at my screen when doing it, but its mostly quick glances until I see a fish move onto the screen, then i’m locked on, how is that any different than staring at your line or rod tip in the water?

    If somebody was watching their screen for every cast the entire time they are out fishing, then I think we would all agree that’s just ridiculous, but that’s just not reality…

    Far from a myth, I literally seen it every time I’m on the water. But obviously I can’t speak for every one

    Posts: 19406

    I absolutely agree that Pro fisherman shouldn’t be allowed to use it…now those guys are 100% locked on their 22″ screens at the bow of their boat, but they are also competing for hundreds of thousands of dollars where every bite could mean a win or loss…

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18702

    I absolutely agree that Pro fisherman shouldn’t be allowed to use it…now those guys are 100% locked on their 22″ screens at the bow of their boat, but they are also competing for hundreds of thousands of dollars where every bite could mean a win or loss…

    The problem is that its trickling down beyond that. You could show up to a Tuesday night derby with 15 boats and 13 of them are tricked out like they’re fishing in the Bassmaster Classic. Its only going to continue to get worse.

    BPS/MLF pro bass tour did alter some of their rules on it, slightly. During certain stages/period of timed fishing, they don’t allow it. Bassmaster Elite has also implemented a maximum total screen size and only one live sonar transducer for this upcoming season. So at least there’s “some” limitations on it starting to emerge at the top level. I’m skeptical that these changes will alter the way they fish though. Most events are still gonna be scope fests.

    What they should do is allow it during pre-fishing but prohibit it during event hours like the muskie tour has.

    Posts: 1023

    Only $5k!

    I thought the same. Crazy price point considering Garmin is still king in the ffs world.

    Posts: 1114

    Based on METSTRADE information.

    Posts: 19406

    Based on METSTRADE information.

    That’s Humminbird’s projected MSRP with the newer screens, the MegaLive 2.0 itself is the same price as 1.0 when it was introduced…

    We’ll see where Garmin comes in with their next gen….

    Posts: 12682

    Not necessarily true, mega live 2 was just announced in Amsterdam last week and expected to be released early spring.

    Yes because bird released it at METS which is where they traditionally release their new stuff.

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