Evinrude not peeing after 1 min

  • Doug Larsen
    Posts: 630

    Guys I did the fresh gas route today and did a few starts. Ran fine a little shaky but I noticed no pee. I didn’t get after it on load much due to the small barrel. Engine isn’t hot barely can feel heat on the side cowl.

    Is it possible my thermostat isn’t even engaged yet after 1 min?

    Of course my trip is in 3 days

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17335

    Take a pin or something small and make sure there is no blockage in the pee hole.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5715

    I use a piece of weed whip line, thanks again Jon Jordan for that tip. Since it’s plastic it won’t poke holes in anything.

    Doug Larsen
    Posts: 630

    I’ll give it a shot. Pray for me Argentina

    Doug Larsen
    Posts: 630

    There was plenty of gunk in the tell tale and it was almost sealed.

    Unfortunately, I cleared it and no pee. Removed the hose and no pee.

    I have to assume that since after 5-10 seconds nothing is peeing its my water pump. Not sure how big a job that is to replace the impeller but I do have one I just ordered!

    Also, I’m assuming if I only ran it until she was warm (not hot) – that I haven’t risked any damage right?

    Posts: 317

    Water pumps are pretty simple and I’d change out the whole thing not just the impeller. I doubt you did any damage in that amount of time. Might as well swap out the thermostat while you’re at it.

    Posts: 7348

    Is this the motor that didn’t get winterized? If that is the case I’d be concerned about the reason why its not peeing now. Water might have been in there over winter and busted something up. Might be more than a simple impeller.

    Doug Larsen
    Posts: 630

    Well I Just opened the Jack Daniels

    Posts: 5125

    If you say it had plenty of gunk there may be more deeper in as well. If you have an air compressor you can try and blow into the hose to dislodge whatever else may be blocking.

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2026

    What year is it?
    Some older models have the pee hole below the surface of the water for some reason down by the nose of the gear case for the prop

    Posts: 3913

    What year is it?
    Some older models have the pee hole below the surface of the water for some reason down by the nose of the gear case for the prop

    I am pretty sure thats not the pee hole,its the speedometer hook-up.

    craig s
    Posts: 248

    Pop hood off and check where the water line attaches to the pee hole.sometimes the little plastic pisser is smaller than the actual water line.can try blowing into the water line,if you can’t blow you have a clog.I’ve cleared muck and sand doing this.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12238

    How are you test running this? If in a tank it must be submerged all the way above the anti cav plate above the prop.

    Have you tried to run it on muffs? Did water come out the indicator?


    Doug Larsen
    Posts: 630

    Grouse – Good call. I’m a dunce cap. I was just advised that I’m too shallow. I’ll rerun in the am. As the pic shows how deep I was

    Thanks to everyone for the help. It’s truly appreciated

    1. image-16.jpeg

    Posts: 7348

    Get back out the Jack, that’s plenty deep toast doah

    Doug Larsen
    Posts: 630

    I don’t think the impeller is submerged. I will add more water and rerun. I’ve been told a few inches deeper than the lower unit bolts

    Doug Larsen
    Posts: 630

    Success! It wasn’t deep enough. Peeing like a champ!

    Thanks everyone – Indeed the impeller wasn’t submerged!

    Austin MN
    Posts: 483

    I would be a little concerned with the impeller now since it wasn’t submerged in water for a minute. I would definitely check it out.

    Posts: 317

    Yeah how long has it been since the pump/impeller has been replaced? If it’s been awhile you should do it anyway. It’s general maintenance. I’d hate to take this thing North and find out the hard way.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12238

    How are you test running this? If in a tank it must be submerged all the way above the anti cav plate above the prop.

    Have you tried to run it on muffs? Did water come out the indicator?


    I would be a little concerned with the impeller now since it wasn’t submerged in water for a minute. I would definitely check it out.

    It was probably getting enough water to be splash lubed. The issue with OMCs is that the pump has to be completely under water to build a pressure head above the pump. They can’t suck water, they just the impeller to “push” the water up the intake tube.

    The outboard in the picture posted above is NOT deep enough. It needs to be all the way up to that seam where the lower unit joins the vertical housing.

    If its pumping fine now it should be fine for the trip.


    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Also, someone can correct me if I am wrong, but that motor won’t have a thermostat, so if it isn’t peeing, something is wrong.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12238

    Also, someone can correct me if I am wrong, but that motor won’t have a thermostat, so if it isn’t peeing, something is wrong.

    I believe that’s correct, I don’t recall any 15 HP OMCs ever having a thermostat unless they added one in the final versions in the 2000s.

    Also, to be clear, the “peeing” is just an indicator stream. It indicates when something MIGHT be wrong. Not all of the cooling water that the engine is pumping is exiting by the indicator stream. So it is possible just to have an issue where the indicator nozzle is blocked or the hose is blocked, but the system could be fine otherwise. Bottom line though, is if the indicator stream is NOT working, quick action must be taken to determine if it’s the indicator that’s the issue, or if you really do have a lack of cooling water circulating.


    Doug Larsen
    Posts: 630

    I had the whole thing looked over. I replaced the impeller, it had some wear but was fine. Good thing I did, was able to regap my plugs and change some stinky lower unit fluid.

    Runs even better now

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17335

    Now go use the darn thing!

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