Fellas, ladies, i made a promise to myself to hit rainy every month this summer at least once. The september trip is looking great im going going to be up on the 19th and plan on fishing the east end reefs for good measure. Last trip we stayed in cranberry and didn’t go past the bay we fished out in front of the camp site on diamond island and slayed the eyes. Prior trips was a hit and a no hitter. May was brutal at best. 1 walleye and 1 crappie in 4 days of fishing. Limited out on the snakes though we threw everything back under 25. June and July were both home runs on the east end hammering the eyes. In July we caught well over 100 eyes in 4 hours. Still no crappie though. Going this week and would really like to land on a few crappie. Doesnt need to be the honey hole but a helpful turn dor the better would be great. Ive been think of going up rat root amd trying there. Multiple people ha e pointed me there but thats a lot of travel at slow speeds. We are focusong on the east end so any help would be great!!

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