Evers Resort……not what it used to be.

  • John Kaus
    Posts: 27

    So I get up early today to get down to the river and wet a line and I’m meeting my brother down there. I get there early so we can get a decent spot to come back to the truck and have a bite to eat and not have to park in overflow parking right!!. I have been going to evert my whole life and when I mean my whole life – my father used to guide down there when the cabins used to be over where we park now, so like 40 years and as kid’s we would fish out of the pond by the well and catch pike they threw in there. I’m pissed….I usually keep a low profile and come and go, just enjoying fishing out of everts. I get there early for a reason, to park where I can get back to my truck when needed but NO that’s not happening, all the early birds have to park up top and get shuttled down, they blocked off all the lower parking….completely empty. IF I hadn’t already paid for my launch I would have said SCREW IT. I think they need to get their act together. If I wanted to park in overflow parking I would have slept in right!!!!!

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17357

    I’m sure you voiced your opinion with the guy on duty. What did he say? Was there a special reason it was blocked or is this the new way things will be?

    Posts: 43

    I usually go fishing by myself and would hate to leave my boat and gear at the landing. But I do enjoy going to Everts and hopefully this is temporary.

    Posts: 76

    There were more than a few pissed early bird fishermen on Thursday morning as the bait shop didn’t open until after 6:30.

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2028

    Unless they get a clone of Dean, it will never happen. Not saying the new owners won’t or can’t turn it around, just sayin… coffee

    John Kaus
    Posts: 27

    There was no special reason they just stated that they are shuttling every one up the the overflow parking first. So getting there at 5:30 was a wast of time. I was so pissed I took my truck over to the back channel public launch to retrieve my boat. 40 years using Everts is officially over for me. Bait at 4 seasons and the public launch from here on out.

    Northfield MN
    Posts: 2028

    Just an FYI,
    Make sure you vent your frustrations at 4 Seasons when you pick up bait since they now own Everts waytogo

    Western Wi.
    Posts: 1149

    Wow, that sounds bad, ya might as well just put in at the public landing, get there early like you did and get the best parking available. And not be punshied for it!

    Posts: 585

    Ya that’s pretty bad. That’s the reason y I would get to that place so early so I could park on the sand bar by the launches.

    Posts: 43

    speaking of public. Is the Baypoint park launch one open? Thanks

    drew Montgomery
    Posts: 3

    Yes baypoint is open.i put in at colville to stay away from the zoo at everts

    Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    Not knowing anything about the real reason, is there a chance they were trying to keep the bottom area open for ease of people moving in and out to launch, turn around and such? Eliminate some congestion down there. If they are running a shuttle, is it that bad?

    Posts: 1148

    Not knowing anything about the real reason, is there a chance they were trying to keep the bottom area open for ease of people moving in and out to launch, turn around and such? Eliminate some congestion down there. If they are running a shuttle, is it that bad?

    That would be my guess.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910

    Sounds like there may have been a lack on communication. I haven’t been fishing out of there for a very long time. However, I can’t help but wonder if there wasn’t a logical reason why. I’ve seen many posts in social media from not only 4 seasons, but guests staying how much has been done and the on going improvements. My perception is that there is a lot going on that many in the general public don’t see. Possibly a legitimate reason?? Hard to believe that they would do this just to inconvenience someone

    Posts: 585

    I fully see what they are trying to do. This still won’t keep me from going to the resort I love going down to that place. But I can see where you may get frustrated not knowing the situation

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    If they are running a shuttle, is it that bad?

    That’s what I’m wondering too. If fishing the dam area, ID think the extra boat drive from the back channel would be more of an inconvenience.

    But I’ve only launched from there once I think, so I don’t know how much of an inconvenience it is.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 976

    I like to go early so I can park close.
    I launch by myself,
    tie to the limited dock space available.
    park and come right back to the boat.
    It is a big inconvenience to be shuttled
    that also gives you the feeling of your equipment being vulnerable.

    While my boat then sits at the dock
    which causes the traffic jam to shift from the access
    to the dock space.
    Doesn’t buy anything and
    frustrates people big time.

    Posts: 7348

    ^^ poetic. Haiku by chance? mrgreen

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    Curious to know if those close parking spots were still open later in the day? Did they treat everyone the same way? Or just the early birds? I can see them trying to proactively manage a busy day. Never easy to keep everyone happy.


    Posts: 1583

    40 years using Everts is officially over for me. Bait at 4 seasons and the public launch from here on out.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    A weekend of learning reality.

    Hawkeye, the fella that was to open the bait shop over slept on Thursday. It sucks but it happens more so this time of year when the hours are long at the resort. But we are working to ensure this isn’t the norm.

    All of us at Everts apologize for your (and a few others) experience Saturday. I’m not going to go into the reason this happened because it doesn’t make any difference although I’ll add the thought behind it was truly to make launching smoother for everyone.

    It didn’t take very long for us to realize it wasn’t going to work the way we hoped it would and reverted back to the “normal” program of parking on the beach first, then filling up the “back 40” and finally parking in the lot atop the hill.
    You were unfortunately part of our learning experience.
    Again, please accept our apology.

    I guess this would be a good time to talk about the first ramp as well. On Saturday as with most days in spring and fall, we have the first (the steep one) blocked off. The reason for this is when a boater backs down this ramp it blocks off the flow to the rest of the rigs. I know we have some very good boat launchers but they don’t have that marked on their trucks so we don’t know who is who. After years of experience, closing off that ramp for launching is best for everyone.

    Well, Saturday morning some fella was mad enough to place a large rock on one of our employees hood that was used to block off that ramp. I wish we had a photo of him when the sheriff pulled up to his boat while he was fishing.

    I’ll end with this. Our Team wants all our anglers to enjoy themselves when they come to our resort whether vacationing or angling for the day. We’re going to make some mistakes. Might be more coming in the future but we are trying to minimize them.

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 976

    Thanks Brian,
    We needed this explanation.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17357

    It was mentioned that 4 Seasons is keeping people informed of things on social media. I assume thats Facebook. Please remind them not to forget about IDO which if I recall was around before Facebook.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Dutch, funny you mentioned that. )

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17357

    I will admit I’m likely the only person not on Facebook so posting here is for selfish reasons. frown

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Lol! You and Suzuki. But he doesn’t fish the fished out waters of P4 anyway. Hi Mike! wave

    Art Green
    Posts: 733

    I will admit I’m likely the only person not on Facebook so posting here is for selfish reasons. frown

    You, me and hundreds of others who don’t need the world to know what we are up to every moment of our lives for validation of our importance to the world.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Hundreds lol.

    I’m guilty of posting things and then thinking, did I really have to? I will say Facebook’s instant messaging has kept me close to the family back home in real time.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22920

    AG….You do realize, Facebook doesn’t post on its own… right ? crazy Your not that important…yet tongue

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