Pickled Asparagus
4/28/2019 First attempt.
I made approx 4 lbs in 5 pint jars.
Boil and desolve
4 cups water
4 cups apple cider vinegar (5% acidity)
1/2 cup canning salt
1/2 cup dark brown sugar
Add to pint jars
1 to 2 cloves garlic (smashed to remove the skin)
1/4 tsp dill seed
1/4 tsp coriander seed
1/4 tsp yellow mustard seed
1/4 tsp crushed peppers (10,000 btu)
1 to 2 Tbsp pickling spice
Boil water, vinegar, salt and sugar till well dissolved.
Cut spear to jar height short by a one inch
Put spices in pint jar and very tightly pack spears in sterilized jar.
(edit added the next line)
Pour hot liquid over contents to within 1/2″ of rim.
Apply sterilized flat and tightened ring.
Process in hot water bath for 12 min.
Remove jars and set to cool.