Well sorta stuck in finland for awhile. . .and found out that no one i mean nobody icefishes at night for walleye here.
Before i get pumped up on an untapped method, is there a reason why?
I’ve asked around and nobody wants to say anything, they just knod and shake there heads no and say “no bite no bite at dark time”. . .
From my understanding the law is like the wild west. During winter time only you can walk on private property and fish there ponds or lakes, all bodies of water can be accessed without gun fire!!!
And no fee or permits to fish during winter. . .
First ice has just started in southern finland.
Oh yah fisherman here are tight lipped i thought canadians where tight but these guys are
There’s no words . . . .fort knotforutoknow lol
Count down for this fat boy to hit the ice.
Timo i
Posts: 124
December 26, 2014 at 3:36 pm