PMTT Judging 8-13/14 Chippewa Flowage

  • chico-diablo
    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 570

    Had the opportunity to be a judge for this tournament, it was interesting, and mostly boring at times, but did get to fish while waiting for a call, only had one on saturday, sorry no pics, radio went out on me. This morning started at 7:30 for the first call, got the next call around 8:08 and it was a 37 1/2, by Tanner Wilde. Had to run up a creek with a no wake. got back to the main lake and about 8:45 got another call from tanner. This time it was the 45 the last pick. That was it for the day. All and all I had an interesting experience and probably would do it again. Do not have any results, but was told that one of the boats got 3 today. Also had my friends moving around with me, I think this one liked my boat.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Cool stuff, that had to be a neat experience CD

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376

    That sounds like a great time

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