nice pool 2 pike

  • thebigfishman
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 264


    while I was waiting at the 494 landing yesterday am for my buddy to show up with his boat to go out and do some whitetailed carp fishing I desided to make a few casts. I desided to tie on a jig and craw because I know there is a lot of nice smallies that hang out right in front of the the fishing platform. I draged the jig once right in front and nothing so I desided to flip it out a little ways, started twitching it back in and wham drag started screeming, I thought I for sure snaged a carp. Fought the fish for probably a good 5 min without getting a look at it, finally surfaced and what do you know a northern, got a hold of it perfectly hooked in the corner of the mouth, took a quick measurment and taped out at 37 inches. No one was down there to take a pic for me so I was just ready to release it and my buddy shows up, he took a quick pic with my cellphone and I released it heathy as can be. I don’t have a computer and would love to share the photo of this pike along with some other photos of fish I’ve caught this year. I have a blackberry but can’t upload pics from my phone, is there any chance I could email the pike pic and maybe some other pics to someone to post them for me, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance.

    Take care everyone!

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13408

    Nice fish. Was thinking we had a pike bite off a crank yesterday while trolling. My buddy had a good strike that took off pulling drag then nothing. Pull in the line and the braid was shredded.

    Cant help with the photos but hopefully some one will chime in that can.

    One step ahead of the Warden.
    Posts: 1589

    i pm’d you my email address. i’ll post them up for you.

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    That is a real nice pike! I can’t wait to see the pic.


    One step ahead of the Warden.
    Posts: 1589

    here’s your pics for ya!

    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 264


    Perch was kind enough to post a few pics for me. The flathead wasn’t huge (22lbs) but was caught on 4lb test and gulp while fishing for whitetailed carp. The whitetailed carp was 29 1/2 and caught with 80lb powerpro a size 10 circle hook and a 7in bullhead. The crappie was caught on a spinner rig that had no bait that was hanging like 6 inches in the water next to the boat because I had just caught a small sauger on that spinner. And finally the 37 inch pike I caught friday morning. All these fish were released heathy back into pool 2.

    Take care everyone!

    Posts: 89

    good job on the catching…
    good job on the releasing…

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    That spot where you caught the walleye is an awesome spot for fish! Do you hit it often?

    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 264


    That spot where you caught the walleye is an awesome spot for fish! Do you hit it often?

    Hello gary,
    I agree with you that it is a awesome spot for fish. I fish there a lot early in the spring(mar-apr) and in the fall(oct-nov) when the shad move back there and are followed by the pig walleyes. My pb walleye a 31incher I caught there and a buddy caught a 28 1/2 sauger there 2 springs ago. That spot definatly produces big walleyes along with decent flatheads and big channels and back there is well renowned for its largemouth fishing.

    Take care!

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