cowgirl help

  • wwayn720
    West central Wi
    Posts: 46

    I’m in the process of making a few cowgirls and I figured I would make a few casts with the first one to see if it had any flaws. The flashibou is being sucked up by the blades and getting knotted up, is this normal or should I adjust something? It looks beautiful on some casts and like a line snarl in others I’m wondering if I either have to lengthen the distance between the flashibou and blades, add more flashabou, or shorten the flashibou. I am making smaller cowgirls with double either 6’s or 8’s so I didn’t put as much on as what is normaly used. Just looking for opinions and suggustions.

    Thanks for the help,

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    Are you useing hedron flash or tinsle? If it’s not hedron that will happen or you could use the hedron saltwater flash it’s thicker and won’t tangle.

    Posts: 1455

    Yep- What Tim said if you are using the thin Flashabou it will end up a snarly mess. Get the thicker stuff and start over. If you are in the metro area you can get it at Thorne Bros. in Blaine. Good Luck!

    West central Wi
    Posts: 46

    Yup I’ve got some thin flashabou I guess I’m going to have to go with a single blade to keep if from knotting up.

    Thanks guys I apreciate it.

    Posts: 445

    The thicker stuff will say Magnum Flashabou on the packaging. You can still use the thin stuff for spinnerbaits and I sometimes mix in a little of the thin stuff in a contrasting color with the magnum so all is not lost.

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