musky help

  • a.j.-wiesner
    Ely,MN / Rochester,MN
    Posts: 929

    i have been fishing hard since opener and can’t seem to catch anything but northerns. wondering if any of the musky guys might be able to help me out a bit. have u seen most fish on milfoil or cabbage, points or inside turns, inside weed edge, outside weed edge, deep weed edge, rocks. i have had a few days with many follows but no luck yet. any help would be appreciated.

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    Rite now I’m seeing that the fish have moved off of the structure but are still relating to it. A good way to think of it is if your fishing a point of reef and the bottom of it is 14fow then what I’ve been doing is staying 2 cast lenghts off of it but still working baits at 12-14fow. The other thing to rember is to pay attention to the wind, the wind moves baitfish and that moves Muskies. Use your electronics to find bait and the muskies are close by.

    Ely,MN / Rochester,MN
    Posts: 929

    thanks for the help tim. i’ve been fishing wind blown points and they are stacked with baitfish on electronics and visable but can’t find any fish anywhere lately. maybe i’ll have to hunt u down and steal your gps coordinates. haha going out for a sure bet fish tomorrow night on lake X {hush lake} so wish me luck and keep sending good info.

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    Keep plugging away, find a bait you can work well and moves fish and stick with them. Keep on the ones you are seeing sooner or later you’ll get one. One of our better area fisherman has over 70 hours on the water this year with a fat goose egg, your not alone in your struggles.

    My mornings a good examlpe of how funny muskie fishing is, 2 of us throwing basicly the same rotation of baits I saw 4 stuck 3 landed 2 my partner didnt get a hit or follow.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Don’t be afraid to go deep, we caught two off breaks that went to 24+ feet and we were in the deeper water, mine hit at about 12 foot over 20 fow.

    We were using diving baits like a 7″ Believer.

    Color didn’t seem to be to important, one was caught on a bright yellow and mine was a natural green color.

    Vary your approach and don’t get stuck on the latest “IN” bait.

    Don’t be afraid to troll a bit, covers more water quicker.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376


    Keep plugging away, find a bait you can work well and moves fish and stick with them. Keep on the ones you are seeing sooner or later you’ll get one. One of our better area fisherman has over 70 hours on the water this year with a fat goose egg, your not alone in your struggles.

    I feel your pain. I not catching fish for a different reason though. I’ve been working 60+ hrs/wk and with owning a home the work never seems to end

    Shaley is right, just keep after it, and remember to maintain a “PMA” Positive Muskie Attitude

    I use to go out fishing not expecting to catch anything, but I’ve got a buddy that said, I need to believe that I’m gonna catch a fish on every cast

    I thought about it and he was right. If you fish like you’re gonna catch fish on every cast you’re gonna be on your toes, so when a fish shows up, you’re ready for it

    Ely,MN / Rochester,MN
    Posts: 929

    broke the curse with a nice 44.5 incher last night. will upload the pics once i can figure out how to resize the photos. do u have to resize the pics on your camera first or on the my photos on the computer…?

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376

    Just download the pic to your computer. Then you’ll want to just type in picture resizer in to google. Pick a web site, and it’ll walk you through the process. It’s very simple

    Congrats on getting the skunk out of the boat

    So what did you do to help you put this one in the boat?

    Ely,MN / Rochester,MN
    Posts: 929

    simply kept casting and i was at a place where i had a bunch of confidence that there was a fish there to catch and the conditions were just right. i guess u can say all the stars alligned for 1 minute.

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