looking for advise

  • ken1mike
    sw. wright co.
    Posts: 30

    A co-worker,who blames me for his muskie fever,is going up to Itasca State Park at the end of this week,he asked me which lake he should “learn” up there. My reply was one of the smaller ones as his boat is a 14’er, and he has only a week of which he will have some [alot] of mandantory family time. Anybody have any input on this?

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    14’er will handle any lake in Itaska State Park. I would concentrate on the one that tastes better than beef. IMHO

    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 264


    Hands down elk lake! Tons of muskies in that lake that are willing to hit your lures!

    Take care!

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    Hands down elk lake!

    Based on pre-fishing info gathering, assuming this is the same lake, I heard of it and several other smaller lakes in the Leech area. Never did get a chance to pull off Leech though last week, so can offer no actual experience.


    Posts: 1455

    +2 on Elk. It’s right in Itasca State Park. Mantrap is also right down the road.

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620


    A co-worker… [h]as… a 14’er, and he has only a week of which he will have some [alot] of mandantory family time. Anybody have any input on this?

    Yes. Family men shouldn’t buy 14′ fishing boats. They should buy pontoons, enabling them and their families to both own AND appreciate the flavor of their cake at any given point in time.

    Sorry… I know it’s slightly OT, but you DID ask for feedback “on this” without specifying which part “this” represented.

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