GREAT Weekend….BAD Sunday!

  • Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    The weekend was a great one for fishing and it started of early for us. We hit the water at 12-midnight and fished until about 2:45am, 3 bass was the tally when we came in for a few hours of sleep. We were back on the water at 5:15am and put our first fish of 2010 into the net at 6:30am. A nice healthy 44 inch fish Notice the loon in the 3rd pic, he was there to have breakfast too We managed to boat some good pike during the rain on Saturday and we lost one other Lunge that ate right at the boat, however I was taking with Max in the next boat over and I never saw the fish eat, until it was to late That’s what I get for not paying attention!
    Sunday is when things tunred BAD for me. I fishing until 3pm with 2 very lazy follows. I decided it was time to pack up and head home. I pulled in at the landing and tied the boat off at the dock, backed the trailer in and got back into the boat. The motor would not start! I started up the kicker and got the front of the boat on the trailer, then got out and hooked up the winch, as I am starting to make some ground the winch decides it time for the tooth fairy to show up. Yep, I stripped about 15 teeth off the winch. I was able to get the boat secured enough to get it out of the water and home. I backed into the driveway and got the boat 1/2 way into the garage. I then dropped the tounge jack and made 3 cranks when that stripped out too
    At this point everything I had touched in the last hour, broke. I got in the wifes car and drove to Northern Tool to find a tounge jack and a winch, only to pull up just as the guy was locking up for the day. Down the road to Cabela’s to see what they had. I purchsed a jack and a winch and headed home to replace the broken parts. Guess what? The Cabela’s parts were not compatable with what came off my boat. The only good that came from all this was I was able to get Bill from Extreme Marine on the phone and told him I would be out there on Monday with the boat.

    I sure hope next weekend is a little less uneventful

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    It’s days like Sunday that make a person appreciate those Saturdays more!

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    Nice lunge Bro
    You can’t touch any of my stuff

    “Ever Wonder Why There Are No Democrats On Mount Rushmore ? "
    Posts: 1218

    Nice fish. At least you caught one, better than I could muster last night.

    At lease your visit to Viking Blvd should go well, Bill does a very job…

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Nice fish Bob.

    Sorry to hear about the bad end of the weekend. Man, when it rains it pours I guess.

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2440

    Nice fish bro! Sorry to hear about the black motor If you have not replaced your winch yet,talk to Ritter. The one he put on will winch your boat right off the parking lot. That will be my next one!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    Been there!! The Ranger parts are custom. (I know – Duh!) Hope they have them in stock for ya!


    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5743

    Wow, it sounds like you’ve been hanging around with me! At least you were able to get it all home and back in the garage.

    And you had a nice to fish to start the year with!

    I never heard back from Extreme Marine, hope you have better luck with them than I did.


    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Nice ski Mr. Bowman, great pics

    Sorry to hear of your troubles, when them dang gremlins bite they bite hard

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376

    Nice fish Bob

    Hopefully you’ll be back on the water ASAP

    Posts: 470

    Now do you know why God made Sunday the day of rest? Next outing will be better, hang in there.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 282

    So Im not the only one! Its amazing how everything can fall apart at times.

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    Bob, I think something must have happened Sunday with the boat gods. I got home after a pleasant day of fishing with 3 new parts for my boat. Spark Plugs, Prop hub kit, and a fuel filter. Three very simple items and not a single part they sold me was the right part (wont mention the dealers name). Well, since I had the prop off I noticed the old hub had scarred up my lower unit seal a little. Oh well, better drain some gear lube and make sure nothings wrong. Loosen screw and out comes 8 oz. of skim milk. Oh Shikes! Monday, bring it to dealer (wont mention dealers name) and beg for it back by Wednesday…They say no problem we can have the parts by Thursday. Huh? At least Mercury Warranty treated me well and overnighted parts and the Muskie gods sacrificed one fish for all the hassle.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    And I thought I was number one on Murphy’s list, least ya got everything home, hopefully Murphy will ignore ya for awhile now.


    Posts: 1455

    Was that fish worth it? I would bet “Yes!”

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550


    Was that fish worth it? I would bet “Yes!”

    Sure was

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    OMG Bob!!! How does that happen??? Hope things are smoothing out!!! Very nice fish, hoping to get out tonight, even if it is still raining…

    I haven’t been out in thirteen days, the last time I had the chance it rained. Tonight, I am going in the rain!!!

    Hope everything comes back together for ya.


    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620

    I feel your pain, sir… days like that are harsh and don’t pass quickly enough.

    At least there’s always the saying “tomorrow’s another day” to fall back on… unfortunately all too often it turns out to be another day just like the one I was trying to escape from.

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    Forgot to mention the anchor that I hooked into and landed in 38 feet of water. I set the hook and must have hooked the rope and thought for a split second that I hooked a monster, only to find out it was not going to fight back

    St. Louis Park
    Posts: 280

    Sorry to hear of the bad Ju Ju. Sometimes it’s tuff to shake off Murphy, But a fat 44″ always helps. Nice Anchor – Ive snagged/caught anchors two separate times. I know what you mean, for a split second when you budge it of the bottom, you would swear you felt a head shake. Walleye opener I caught a pink Barbi rod and a 40 oz bottle LOL. What next right? Good luck this year bud, Im sure you’ll be back on track shorlty.

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550


    Sorry to hear of the bad Ju Ju. Sometimes it’s tuff to shake off Murphy, But a fat 44″ always helps. Nice Anchor – Ive snagged/caught anchors two separate times. I know what you mean, for a split second when you budge it of the bottom, you would swear you felt a head shake. Walleye opener I caught a pink Barbi rod and a 40 oz bottle LOL. What next right? Good luck this year bud, Im sure you’ll be back on track shorlty.

    Back on track this afternoon and heading north with my son for a long weekend at the cabin

    St. Louis Park
    Posts: 280

    Back on track this afternoon and heading north with my son for a long weekend at the cabin

    Good Times! Have a blast! I know what you mean. I have read some of your posts about fishing with the little man. Nothing better. My son Jake just turned 3. We have been out pannie fishing 4 times this year and he lasted 5 hours the last time out. Once the chocolate milk and twizzlers were gone If he grows up and thinks about fishing 1/2 time I do, His wife is in TROUBLE.

    Brad Juaire
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 6100

    Congrats on the skis Bob and good luck with Alex up north!

    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 629

    Nice fish sorry to hear about your bad luck. glad you’re back at em. Give em hell!

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