Well Boys….

  • Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    Where is everyone off to this weekend? I plan to hit a few metro lakes over the weekend. Warm water temps will hopefully have those big mommas moving.

    I am not sure I can contain myself much longer, this week has been long and I have not had much sleep. The boat is packed and ready to go, new line on the reels, sharp hooks on all the baits. I hope my net man has his game face on

    Good luck to all

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051

    It’s been a long time for ya man, good luck and bury them barbs bro

    Ely,MN / Rochester,MN
    Posts: 929

    i’ll be in the metro as well. gunna do some scouting for the metro tourney the next weekend. i’ll b on tonka white bear and forest. see u on the water and hope the lightning holds off and the rain keeps all the amatures home with a tummy ache.

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2440

    I’ll be on the river in the morning,and in the afternoon, then all night chasing cats!!!Did’nt get an invite to catch those long, skinny, wierd looking lake fish that never seem to want to bite my line Good luck Buddy! Keep me posted

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Nothing special here, working saturday and prob sunday morning, just picked up a new transducer for the 27C so I’ll be off somewhere sunday to make sure it works for our vacation June 12th at Ottertail.


    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    Well I guess it’s that time isn’t it. I supose I’ll dust off my 5 or 6 baits dig out my 5″6″ rod and head to?
    Bob I’m in the same boat I can’t sleep I don’t eat and was short with my mom the other day(sorry mom)all because of this stupid smelly fish that has taken total control of my life. I’ll be in the area all weekend so if you see a guy in a little green duck boat swing on over.

    Posts: 3241

    Go get em BB!!

    Central MN/ SJU
    Posts: 183

    i will be working all weekend…
    the following weekend i have a little tourny on mille lacs…bragging rights are big in this circle and then its work the following two weekends….it sucks not having any money….will be on the st louis soon after i hope…some of the boys have tied into some decent fish already so i am pumped….good luck to all who venture forth this weekend…

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    Just to rub it in I just got off the lake, only 2 lazy follows though……

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550


    Well I guess it’s that time isn’t it. I supose I’ll dust off my 5 or 6 baits dig out my 5″6″ rod and head to?
    Bob I’m in the same boat I can’t sleep I don’t eat and was short with my mom the other day(sorry mom)all because of this stupid smelly fish that has taken total control of my life. I’ll be in the area all weekend so if you see a guy in a little green duck boat swing on over.

    Be nice to Mom

    Posts: 445

    Looks like Tuesday after work will be my 1st time out this year in the metro. Good luck this weekend

    Posts: 1455

    Metro lakes this weekend, hopefully avoiding the crowds on some smaller lakes. Fished the Croix last night..thought it was gonna be a good one but we only saw one nice fish.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376

    Tonight me and a buddy are gonna hit Forest I’ve never been there before so we’ll see

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