A couple lake Wisconsin toothy critters

  • John Schultz
    Portage, WI
    Posts: 3309

    Was out yesterday with Kevin Sime (Whiskerkev) fishing walleyes on Lake Wisconsin. We were pulling shad raps and flicker shads on planer boards and managed to land a couple nice bonus fish. The first was a 37″ pike that was as thick and fat as any pike I have seen to this day. It was more than my walleye scale could take, so I don’t know the weight, but I believe it was easily 20 pounds. Second bonus fish was a 48″ musky that presented quite a battle on 12lb. mono and a planer board rod. Getting it in a small walleye net was almost as much of a challenge as landing the fish to begin with.

    Full details of the day can be found in the Wisconsin / Lake Wisconsin Forum.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376


    Very nice fish

    Congrats on a beauty

    Posts: 3835

    my PB by a couple inches. I like to musky fish but seem to catch them when I’m after other things. I had a 41 earlier this year on 4lb test (crappies) and now a 48 on 12lb test (walleyes). Very lucky to get both of them. Thanks John for another great outing and a great net job. Everyone here knows how hard it is to get 30lbs of fish into a 10lb bag.

    Joel Ballweg
    Sauk City, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3294

    Awesome fish guys! Beautiful fish as well.

    Kevin – what the heck did you do to deserve you’re own fishing guide? Especially one that will let you razz & heckle him to death and then take you out yet again and he still lets you catch all the fish.
    I don’t know if there is such a thing as a “Fishing Debt” but you’re IOU to John must be getting pretty large.

    Posts: 6259

    Those are two dandy’s

    Posts: 22

    Wow! That is one fat 37″ pike!

    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 629

    very healthy looking fish

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