Hey guys
As a muskie hunter, we’re always searching for more information to make us better in our craft, so to quench that thirst for information we seek out magazines, DVD’s, and books.
I’m sure there are many of us who have a subscription to this publication. I’m posting this because I’m very frustrated with how those of us who’ve been long time customers have been treated for the last year
As you know they haven’t put out an issue since the winter issue of 2009. I can understand that things are tough, with the economy being the way it is, and losing advertisers, but they have completely mishandled this situation.
I’ve called several times over the last year, and have always been given the same excuse They always say we’ve credited your account another issue well, at this rate I’m going for a lifetime subscription
I called again about 2 weeks ago, and nobody answered the phone which wasn’t much of a supprise. I left a message with them letting them know, that I just wanted a refund, rather than wait for another issue
On 12/30 I tried to call esox angler, and their phone number has been disconnected now so I called the next number on the list and I got a hold of a guy who does graphics for them, and he provided me with the owners home phone number, b/c he’s tired of fielding phone calls from angry customers, looking for answers.
I know $40 isn’t much money, but this is about principle in my mind. They haven’t even put out a press release, or an update on thir website to let everyone know about the current state of affairs. Their idea of dealing with this is to just bury their heads in the sand and hope that it just goes away
I was thinking about contacting the BBB, and the state of Wisconsin Attourney Generals office, to infor him about thier busines practices but I’m looking for some ideas as to how we can get some answers
Thanks for your help