Suckers ???

  • buschman
    Pool 2
    Posts: 1826

    Hey guys, Where can a guy find some good sized suckers this time of year??? I am in the SE metro and can special order when the bait truck arives but cannot get them on the fly by the day idea?? Thanks

    west central Minnesotsa
    Posts: 921

    Only if you’re willing to drive to Red Wing. 4 Seasons Sports has them. You might also try Vados Bait. You can do a Google search and find them easy. They are in the Twin Cities somewhere. I get all my crawlers from them if we are planning a big trip like to LOTW.

    Posts: 1455

    Vados Bait in Spring Lake Park has plenty o’ big suckers.

    Posts: 1282

    Ebners bait – Elk River

    394 and penn – there is a gas station north on penn that has suckers and is open tell 10pm most nights.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13410

    Vados is the place to go. They must of had 6 differt sizes of them a couple of weeks ago.

    White Bear Twp
    Posts: 997

    As of last night we had a good supply of the 8-14″ers at Joes
    There are usually a few bigger ones as well.

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 957

    Have you checked Blue Ribbon in Oakdale? I assume you’ve checked Backwoods Archery or whatever it’s called in Newport just off Highway 61. Vados is a long drive from St. Paul Park.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    Holiday in downtown Hudson usually has them

    Posts: 163

    My son is catching them like crazy in the Minnehaha creek. Anywhere from 4″ to 1.5lbs. Worm & bobber.

    Richfield, MN
    Posts: 316

    Hey beave, they’re still biting in the creek? I’ve never tried it this late in the year but I catch a lot of creek chubs throughout the summer. Great flathead bait but now I’m thinking smallies or walleyes. I’ll give it a try. Thanks!

    Posts: 3835

    While on the subject of suckers. What rods are you folks using for your sucker harness applications? I am in the market for a couple. I’m thinking fiberglass but stiff for hookset. We fish the cold temps a lot. Suggestions are appreciated.

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1826

    Thanks a ton for the reply guys!! I talked to Hastings and Backwoods and the olny way I can get them is to buy by the gallon right out of the bait truck on wendsday. Possably by the half gallon but really I am olny looking for 3-6 per trip and hate trying to keep them alive. Though this time if year its not too bad. Was up at Thorn Bros last night and should have grabbed some from up that way when I was there. Heading out tomorrow so might just be chucking baits.
    Jake, I might give joes a call and head there after work. Thanks!! Boy I was up on Leech a couple weeks ago and nobody up there had live bait. We assumed they would but nothing….. Suppose its that time of year.

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