Last Trip of the Year – Tomorrow

  • bzzsaw
    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    One of my cabin neighbors and I have been taking a day of vacation in November the past 5 years for one last chance to put a ski in the boat. Our cabins are in Cumberland, WI (which we do about 90% of our muskie fishing on our lake). Years past we’ve fished Yellow Lake, Whitefish Lake, Ceder Lake, and last year was Big McKenzie. My buddy caught a pretty nice fish on Big McKenzie last year and we caught 2 smaller fish. Its his turn to pick the lake this year. He’s failed to do his homework and we’re leaning towards going back to Big McKenzie.

    Any other last minute lake suggestions we should consider in this area? This year it is my turn to have my picture taken. This is Robb’s fish from last year (47 inches).

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    I had a incredible day on Sand a few years ago. 6 fish in four hours in August during a full moon period. numbers lake mostly though

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    That is a fat 47

    Good luck on your outing

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    I’d go back to the icon where you got that slob 47″ and hope she’s still there+ 3″ what a tank. Good luck

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    Here’s a suggestion..

    Don’t take Rob with, take me!!


    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586

    I fished McKenzie for a lot of years and it’s one tough nut to crack. Nice fish! They do get awfully fat out there.

    Lake Twenty-Six can be great and is just about 20 minutes north of McKenzie. It’s a good fall lake as well.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    Thanks alot for the suggestions.

    I’ve got a buddy with a family cabin on Lake 26. They don’t fish for muskies, but they have a couple pictures of some really respectable fish they and their neighbors have caught.

    Which Sand Lake did you fish over there? My sister and bro-inlaw have a place on Sand Lake off Cty Rd A. I don’t think there are muskies in that lake though. Our cabin is on Sand Lake by Cumberland and there are muskies there.

    I can’t believe you are even suggesting going fishing tomorrow. That there is pretty funny. I think you’ll have a couple diapers to change with your name on them.

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    FYI Rob just called in sick for the trip. Looks like I’ll have to fill in.

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    not very far from Whitefish or Stone Lake. maybe right on 70? I used to drive that way all the time to Fifield but have been taking a faster route. Sawyer county i believe.

    Yep check out WI lakes on Lake Link.

    Mike Klein
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 1026

    I have a cabin on big mc kenzie it is amazing you stuck a fish they were almost wiped out by the natives spearing. We see a few but are rare. The past 5 years are when it took a big slide to almost non existant. years before was renound for numbers and size with many tourneys each year. I fish lake 26 and yellow and do alot better also shell has put out great fish in the past few. 26 is small can be fished in a day it will have pressure but is a sleeper for hogs seen many topping 50″ mark. this time of year soaking a sucker is the answer most of the time. most of the fish I have caught this time have been on the sucker not even seeing a few follow on any pitched baits good luck. It was sad to see the native spearing skis and throwing up on shore. When we asked why they did it there response was and I quote “They are there and we don’t care” me neighbor a big musky guy sold his place 2 years ago due to the low numbers and moved to stone lake. just my 2 cents.

    west central Minnesotsa
    Posts: 921

    Beautiful fish. I love that big deep body.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    Is anyone missing a horse shoe? I think Robb found it yesterday. He corrected me on the fish he caught last year. He is claiming it was 48 inches instead of 47. By next year it will probably be a 49 incher.

    We started fishing about 8:00 Wed morning. Between the bait shops being closed Tuesday night and the gas station not open before 8:00, delayed us a little bit. We started the morning tossing baits and dragging suckers. Robb started by catching a 39 inch fish at about 9:30 on a sucker minnow. Robb had 2 more fish chase his minnows by 11:00. We decided to try trolling crankbaits. By 11:30 Robb hooked into a twin to the pig he caught last year. This one measured 47.5 inches. Talk about a tank. After we released it, we were wondering why we didn’t take a girth measurement.

    About 20 minutes later, Robb hooks into another fish. This one was 43 inches. Things slowed down until about 1:30 when Robb finishes the day up with a small 30 inch fish. Needless to say, this was Robb’s best day out muskie fishing. I was left scratching my head. I did get some great practice netting fish.

    I can’t wait to pick the lake next year. Its definately not going to be Big McKenzie.

    Congrats again on a great day yesterday Robb.

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    Jesus! Rob was on fire yesterday!! The girth in that second fish is amazing!!!

    Looks like a great day off boys!!

    Jealously sitting at my desk:


    Posts: 1499

    I surprised Robb didn’t let you get a picture with the 30″ just so you could get the smell on your hands.

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    Tell Robb I want my horse shoe back

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    Looks to me maybe you should have held the fish for him, or Robb should get a second glove. I notice a change to his left hand after a couple fish.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376


    I fished McKenzie for a lot of years and it’s one tough nut to crack. Nice fish! They do get awfully fat out there.

    Lake Twenty-Six can be great and is just about 20 minutes north of McKenzie. It’s a good fall lake as well.

    That lake pissed me off this summer

    when I was up at the wife’s uncle’s cabin on Yellow lake, I was told to take a mini day trip

    So after dumping the boat in the wrong lake I made my way to lake 26, only to find out that the 18′ PRO V was a bit to big for the launch I was crushed

    I was so pumpped to get out there and kick some muskie so I could feel like a rock star

    If only I could have the type of outing that Mr. Bowman, or Mr. Schmitz experience on a daily basis I could die a happy man

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