Yesterday was a fine day

  • Whiskerkev
    Posts: 3835

    Fished Kentuck lake yesterday with my buddy. Boated a 48. had two others right up to the net that were also good fish. had 6-8 muskies up and randy after our suckers. Time to get out. I’ll throw up a pic later.

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    I wasent more than 5 min from posting the same thing.
    Got 2 a 49″&45″ lost 2 more and saw 4 more all the 2 pounder Great night on the water olny 1 other boat hucking

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376

    It’s right about this time that I wish I were fishing instead of working all the crazy OT at work

    But hey I suppose the money will come in handy for buyin some new muskie toys

    Good job guys

    Let’s see some pics

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550


    I wasent more than 5 min from posting the same thing.
    Got 2 a 49″&45″ lost 2 more and saw 4 more all the 2 pounder Great night on the water olny 1 other boat hucking

    Last night was not so bad either, now was it
    Your killing me Tim, keep it rolling

    I ended last night with two fish charging hard at the boat, but no one ate. I did hook into a fish while trolling last night. It hit about 9:45pm, pulled at ton of line out, with the bait clicker on. I got the rod out of the holder, got to feel 4-5 good head shakes, and then nothing, she spit the hooks. I need to shake free from this slump

    Posts: 3835

    Here is the one that cooperated. Can’t wait to get back up there.

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    Nice fish

    Looks like a great day to be out on the water, almost as nice as Florida Your hard work paid off, Congrats

    Posts: 1455

    Nice fish! I was also out last night. We had one fish hooked that came unbuttoned at the net and saw two more. I love this time of year, only one other boat on the lake.

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