Holy baitfish, Batman

  • Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    The last few times out on the lake I have noticed monster clouds of baitfish on the graph. The closer it gets to dark, the higher in the water these fish move up. The other evening they were actually right up on the surface. This cloud of minnows was being eating while I watched. Gills everywhere on the surface chasing the minnows. Guess where the muskies were?? Right there with them, out over 30-40 feet of water, right up on top. I saw a number of different muskies surface that evening over deep water, only managed to get two to come in on baits, but there were a lot of fish here. I see big clouds of fish on the graph during the day, but they are down 15 feet, over 30 feet of water. This evening on the water I got to see up close and personal the feeding habits of the baitfish, and those big toothies were right there with them. I now have a new found understanding of TRULY what I am seeing with my eletronics.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    Wow, that’s a massive feed pile. We see the shad in the fall pile up like that in big balls. Those predator fish usually aren’t too far away.

    Good luck this fall Bob.

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550


    Wow, that’s a massive feed pile. We see the shad in the fall pile up like that in big balls. Those predator fish usually aren’t too far away.

    Good luck this fall Bob.

    Thanks Blue

    I wish this lake had shad, better yet, trout!

    Or Chicken
    I just wathched this, too good not to share Are those double 10’s?

    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 1206

    The lower end b/w units I’ve used in my boat don’t pick up that kind of detail…even close to it. What kind of graph are you using?


    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    It must have to be chicken becaus I tried Cornish game hen tonight and got nothing

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872



    Wow, that’s a massive feed pile. We see the shad in the fall pile up like that in big balls. Those predator fish usually aren’t too far away.

    Good luck this fall Bob.

    Thanks Blue

    I wish this lake had shad, better yet, trout!

    Or Chicken
    I just wathched this, too good not to share Are those double 10’s?

    It must’ve been the Col.’s secret recipe….

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550


    The lower end b/w units I’ve used in my boat don’t pick up that kind of detail…even close to it. What kind of graph are you using?Pete

    I have 4 b/w units in the boat, 2 x71 and 2 x15, both will pick up that kind of detail over deep water, you will just need to play with the sensitivity. When I troll over deep water I mess around a lot with the eletronics. The color unit is a 113-HD, I love it, but its overkill for what I use it for.

    Hey Blue, is that Sausage Fingers in the back of that boat with the chicken, I swear I saw him licking his fingers just prior to hooking it up

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 2586


    Hey Blue, is that Sausage Fingers in the back of that boat with the chicken, I swear I saw him licking his fingers just prior to hooking it up

    Where is ol’ sausage fingers, anyway? He almost never calls me on his captain morgan nights anymore!

    Posts: 2389

    Sorry, not a musky post really, but here are a few baitfish shots that I have from Lake Michigan…

    Presumably all alewives, the first two clouds are in standard 2D sonar, and the third is an SI image in the harbor. The baitfish cloud runs diagonal, starting at the top, and running top (middle) to bottom (right).

    Way cool when you see food like that around!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Apparently the summer or lack there of has been good for baitfish. We’ve noticed large schools on the lake we fish as well.

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    Here it’s huge school’s of young perch. We had a school the other day 6′ all the way around the boat and when I glanced at the graph it was black all the way to the bottom. Thats alot of perch in 16′ of water. Boats 17′ long 8′ wide.

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