Power Pro Line Question

  • bzzsaw
    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    Sorry if this has already been posted.

    I’ve recently started using 80 lb Power Pro. I tied it directly to the spool of my reel. It seems like it is slipping on the spool. Is this normal? I think I may have read that you need to use some backing to prevent the PP from slipping. If this is true, is there a line to use for backing that is better than others? How much backing should I use? What type of knot is good to use to tie the backing line to the PP?

    Only 8 more days until we head to Vermilion for 4 days of heaven.

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Pull the line off the reel and put some mono backing on. Depending on the reel is how much backing you should put on. You want to fill up the reel as much as possible. You will be able to reuse the Power pro that you take off so take it off carefully, and tangle free if possible. Good Luck on the Big V. Take some pictures.

    Posts: 3681

    Back it with any cheap mono,40 ft or so.I like a blood knot,but some use double uni for line to line.
    Always use a polomar knot for line too lure.

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    Do just as Calvin suggested and use a doulbe uni-knott to connect the lines.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Stuart your so silly!

    Buzz, the other option is to use a piece of black electrical tape once you’ve tied the line to the arbor. It works.

    All of my reels have the mono backing. The double uni is easy to tie following the instructions that came with the box and if it does ever go through your guides there’s not much to get caught up on.


    Posts: 5660

    I’m all for spooling up a good 50 feet of cheaper Mono myself, and heck most of us have some laying around somewhere that it too tangly to utilize. When using more expensive braids like Powerpro it will cover an extra reel or two when you do that. Furthermore who uses that last 40-50 feet of line anyway. Most spools to cast correctly need to be filled to capacity, and unless your casting a heavy Syklopps sp? into the wind will never get to the bottom. Think 80lb will be enough

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    100 pound is too hard to break out of a snag.

    Posts: 5660

    LOL!! You boys must be pulling bus’s out of the Ole Miss, an I don’t doubt for a second that they wouldn’t make a heck of a wing dam!!

    Chippewa Falls,WI
    Posts: 554

    Double wrapping or triple wrapping of braid around arbor tying arbor knot will cinch up on itself as well.As posted prior back – back uni knot for connecting 2 lines works well.It seems 5 wraps with mono & 6 wraps with braid works best for me on the uni connection.Tying directly to spool with braid can be spendy,therefore the only time I would do it is if you are needing it for backing for a leadcore setup or wanting to try to stop a freight train. Best of luck fishing V.

    Lino Lakes, MN
    Posts: 1380

    I try to roughly match line diameters when putting the mono backing on.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    All above are the ways to go IMHO, though for those are concerned about types of line for backing, I am thinking that minimally most are putting on 100 yards, using less than a third of it to cast with and hopefully, in freshwater will catch something that will stress the other 200 yards!!!


    Posts: 268

    I always use that little sticker that comes on the spoolt when you buy the fishing line and stick that on the spool after i tie my not.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    Thanks alot for the quick replies. Looks like I get to respool 3 reels. I had just put the new PP on each of them. One was a brand new C3. I thought the drag was screwed up on it, but when my second reel was doing the same thing, I realized the line was slipping.

    I also found this link on how to tie the uni knot. I hadn’t used this knot in the past. It looks pretty simple to tie though.

    Uni Knot

    Thanks again. I’m hoping we have the opportunity to burn through batteries taking pictures next week. We hired a guide named Matt Snyder to take us out our first day up there. I’ve heard some good things about him.

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