muskie question

  • zoomer
    Twin Cities
    Posts: 313

    My Wife caught this on vacation. Ice fishing Jig (shrimpo) and a leech dangled under a bobber, 12# test The jerk in the boat with her missed the net not once but twice The question is, is this a tiger muskie or a muskie in the barred phase. I caught one of the same rock pile a day later and it was in the clear (silver phase). What would cause two fish in the same water to be so different in color? I tried to post the other pic but it was not compatible.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 139

    Thats a Tiger.

    Litchfield, MN
    Posts: 463

    I second the Tiger vote

    Mayer, MN
    Posts: 593

    Nice Tiger, looks like a WI tiger… BUT, more importantly I want to know where are your pants!

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    That does look like a tiger, other things to look at are whether the tail is rounded or pointed (rounded on the tiger) and on the gill plate there scale pattern that is only on the tiger (On the northern, the cheek is fully scaled, but only the upper half of the opercle, or gill cover, is scaled. Another way to differentiate the fish is to count the pores, tiny sensory openings, along the underside of the jaw. In northerns, there are four or five pores on each side; muskellunge have six to nine pores on a side. Scalation on the cheek is intermediate between the northern pike, with a fully scaled cheek, and the muskellunge, which has scales on the upper half of the cheek. About the upper two-thirds of the tiger musky’s cheek is scaled. The number of pores beneath one side of the lower jaw is six or seven. The musky has no scales on the lower half of its cheek and the lower half of its gill cover, which helps to distinguish it from the northern pike. Also, the musky has six to nine pores, tiny sensory openings, beneath each side of its jaw; the northern pike has five or fewer pores).

    Both phases can be available in the same body of water, either by stocking or naturally crossing. The tiger is sterile, so if there is naturally occurring population, both subspecies (northern & musky) would be present in the same body of water.


    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2440


    Nice Tiger, looks like a WI tiger… BUT, more importantly I want to know where are your pants!

    I second that!!!

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051

    Nice loookn tiger

    BTW……THANK-YOU THANK-YOU THANK-YOU for cropping that picture

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 313

    Thanks for all the responses Mark I was just down the road from you. As to the lack of pants, whats more impotant finishing the leak or landing the wifes muskie?

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550


    Thanks for all the responses Mark I was just down the road from you. As to the lack of pants, whats more impotant finishing the leak or landing the wifes muskie?

    Bringing the term Extreme Net man to a whole new level

    Nice fish, great markings on that one

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    Bringing the term Extreme Net man to a whole new level

    That’s a good one Bob!!!

    zoomer, where were ya???


    Twin Cities
    Posts: 313

    Mark pm sent!

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    Oh yea, now I can tell where you were at!!! Yea right!!! Glad to hear that it has become a quality trip for your family zoomer!!! That’s one of the reasons I blab in here so much from Minocqua!!! Great vacation area and there are some big skies around too!!!


    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376


    Nice Tiger, looks like a WI tiger… BUT, more importantly I want to know where are your pants!

    I’d hate to guess, but if I had to, I’d say there may be a speedo involved

    I believe it has something to do with tan lines possibly

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