Hey Bob!

  • gusschoenfeld
    Winsted, MN
    Posts: 409

    I was curious that since you’ve been using these Dunwrights alot. How many fish can you catch on each one or are they generally destroyed on each fish? We have caught 2 on pounders this year and they are completely shot. Just looking to spread our dollars. Anyone else have good/bad luck with their plastics lasting feel free to chime in.

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    Last year on one walleye colored Lifelike I put over 30 fish in the boat I finally had to retire that bait this year after boating my first 4 fish of the season. So far this year I have put 12 fish in the boat on two different baits, they are still in great shape and turning fish.

    I have a torch in the boat to handle minor repairs while on the water. Its amazing what you can fix with just a little fire. If I get a small tear in the plastic, I fix it, simply by heating it up.(DON’T do this on the bottom of your boat, or on the carpet) The top of a tackle box works great for this. After heating up the plastic and making a repair, I normally will fish a different bait for about 15 minutes, this gives the plastic time to firm back up before being used again. Hope this helps

    The other VERY VERY important thing with the Dunwright Lifelike series is that you need to store them away from any other kind of plastic. I picked up some rubbermaid storage tubs and they work great for keeping these baits in. I keep all my Lifelikes in these kinds of tubs, just lay them on top of eachother, keeping the tails curled up helps too. The Formula X plastic is very durable, but if you store these with your Dawgs, they will melt.

    Good luck and Happy Hucking

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376


    I’ve had great luck with keeping my baits in good condition, due to the tips you told me about in the beginning of the season

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