Have boat/ need musky

  • natureboy
    Posts: 423

    I am going to be up in the rice lake area all weekend with my bass boat. I wanted to get out musky fishing but really don’t know much about it. I’ve always been a diehard bass mann but am broadening my horizons. I have access to all the gear for muskys but would love to either get out on the water with someone who knows what they’re doing. I’d be game for meeting anywhere within an hour of rice lake. I have a 19′ champion we can fish out of or I would get in someone elses boat. Shoot me a pm if you’re intersted. I can do fri pm, sat anytime and sunday anytime.

    thanks, kevin.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    Would be interested, but am on my way to Mille Lacs on Sat.


    kasson , mn
    Posts: 14

    I grew up & went to school in Rice lake love going back home fishing & hunting. I wish i had a little more notice.

    Posts: 423

    whats a good lake in that area for an extremely novice musky angler to try on?

    NE IA
    Posts: 736

    Big Chip !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    I’ve heard a couple people within the last week talking about Rice Lake having some nice fish in it. I’ve never fished it for muskies. Big Sissabagama isn’t too far either. Its not a huge lake and has good numbers of fish.

    Check out this DNR link. It classifies muskie lakes for each county in WI. Its seems pretty darn accurate based on the lakes I have fished.

    WI Muskie Lake Classifications

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