Worth it?

  • gusschoenfeld
    Winsted, MN
    Posts: 409

    I just found out that I have Friday off. Me and a buddy are trying to plan a day trip for muskies. We are no experts just looking for an adventure. We are thiking of hitting Alexander and Shaminaue. Is it worth the 2 hours of driving? If so any helpful hints to get us going would be much appreciated. Thanks

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    If you go to Alexander, troll over a few of the midlake humps, fast, with big cranks. The lake is clear, fast with natural color baits is going to be your best option. The lake has a ton of weed growth shallow too, blades or top water propbaits over the top of the cabbage can be really good this time of year. Good luck up there

    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1571

    don’t overlook the reed areas around haystack and soldier islands on lake Alex

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    What about a Cedar and Mille Lacs double header? Alexander has a lot of recreational traffic, hit Cedar in the morning, the go to the North End in the afternoon… Just a thought…

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12609

    Alex by far has many more fish. Shaminau for the most part has larger fish. If you fish Shaminau fish the Area on the mainlake side of where the channel leads to the mainlake. The area on the east side of the island has also been good to me in the past. Good luck. Let us all know how you do.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12609

    I forgot to mention that Shaminaue’s Bass and Walleye are way overlooked so if the Muskie are not snapping you have something else to chase. Then again that can be said for Alex as well. The Bass ( Both largemouth and Smallmouth ) are fairly easy to locate on Alex. Pick most any mainlake hump or grass Island and you should be able to catch a few.

    Winsted, MN
    Posts: 409

    As most of you were probably gone for the weekend. I posted on Thursday that my goodyear marothon on the boat trailer decided to fly apart. So I was not able to travel this weekend on the musky trip. Thanks for all the advice. I have put this post in my favorites and will try my hardest to head up that way later in the month.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376


    As most of you were probably gone for the weekend. I posted on Thursday that my goodyear marothon on the boat trailer decided to fly apart. So I was not able to travel this weekend on the musky trip. Thanks for all the advice. I have put this post in my favorites and will try my hardest to head up that way later in the month.

    Thats no good

    I run marathons and I was told that they are supposedly the best trailer tire on the market

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