2 for 2

  • tigermusky
    St. Louis Park
    Posts: 280

    I’m getting too spoiled this season. 2nd trip out 2nd fish over 40 in the boat. Pretty soon I’m going to start expecting it. Too bad I have the last 7 seasons to jog my memory and bring me back to reality. Fished Father’s Day from 5:30pm to 10:00 dodging rain showers in the metro and my bud scored this 41″er on a smallmouth pattern Manta. She ate on top of a large reef with sparce weeds in 5ft. Had hooks in another that didn’t stay pinned and had another one come in real hot only to miss the 8 twice and then accidently take a St. Croix to the head on the 4th 8. Couldn’t believe with the weather conditions that we had the fish wanted nothin to do with top water. All fish moved on Mantas and Phantoms.

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    Nice work Bro

    Thats a great looking fish

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    Nice fish Tiger keep it up.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    Nice fish. Congrats.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    Congrats on moving and HOOKING your fish. Lots of guys over here are echoing your sentiments exactly in terms of walk-the-dog type/glide lures moving and hooking fish!!! I got to fish and finally see fish last Wed. For us they were chasing and sometimes eating hair in the shallow weeds. We actually got one hooked twitching a crane. Unfortunately, he came unbuttoned shortly after the buttoning… Got to take advantage of a great mayfly/crank pattern on a local lake for ‘eyes tonight, then may look seriously at an early morning pre-storm/new moon musky session.


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