Bright Sunny Days

  • Paulski
    “Ever Wonder Why There Are No Democrats On Mount Rushmore ? "
    Posts: 1218

    OK, seems like these are the only days I can get out again this year. What are you guys doing on these types of days ? I have seen a couple very lazy fish, but can’t seem to find the active ones. Thanks


    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    Some guys I know like to troll deep.

    Posts: 103

    i was just going to say that. troll the outer weed edges or troll deep water looking for suspended fish.

    Posts: 1455

    Get out as early as possible….or fish the evening/night if you can.

    “Ever Wonder Why There Are No Democrats On Mount Rushmore ? "
    Posts: 1218

    Thanks everyone.

    I am pegged into fishing mornings right now with two small daughters that also need attention at home, but perhaps doing some trolling is my best bet next time out. I have been splitting time between shallow and deep water casting so far, but have not gotten the trolling motor running as of yet.


    jerry b
    western WI
    Posts: 1506

    I turn in early, get up and gone about the time the first bird chirps, fish till it starts getting hot and head in. Starting that early, I normally find fish still shallow and can get by pitching plastics and minnow baits. By the time I get home the grass has dried so I can mow or do some other John R. Homeowner stuff as required by the boss. jerr

    Posts: 1455

    ……or hit some lakes with murky water, Bald Eagle, Rush, Eagle, etc. On a side note I have done very well in the past for Tigers on bright sunny days as long as there is a decent amount of wind.

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    Look for suspended bait then rip dawgs through the schools.

    “Ever Wonder Why There Are No Democrats On Mount Rushmore ? "
    Posts: 1218

    thanks again. I will make sure I have my trolling gear and also a couple dawgs the next time out…

    Posts: 445

    Good post…I was on Bald Eagle last night for 5 hours with one 40inch class fish that followed twice on the deep side of a hump, but he wasn’t hot. I need to listen more to this advice, Even after seeing a fish in 10+ feet of water I probably only spent half of the time in deeper water. One thing I definitely do is fish murky lakes like Jeremy said.

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    I’ve spent 90% of the season in water deeper than15ft and caught 3 fish over 48″. It’s tough at first but you just have to keep telling your self that the bait is there and so are the muskies. Pics to come tonight of last nights 48″.

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