Remember the day? I’m talking 60’s early 70’s when every pike seemed to be a dead pike on the river, possibly a lot of lakes then also. Don’t know myself, as a youngster it was all about river for me
It wasn’t just fish either back then. There was an era where my parents and grandparents felt safe with a freezer full. Didn’t matter if it was fish, squirrels, rabbit or venison…….it was there safe zone from the life styles they had to endure.
This will not (right)….turn into a bash a dude for keeping legal fish post
If it does….sorry I asked
Keeping track for at least the past 10 years I don’t believe I have taken home more than 6 pike a year, 3 through the ice and 3 open water…..or there about. The reason, my personal opinion is, Pike are the best tasting fish that swims If Bass tasted half as good, well…..I’d be wolfin’ down six of them a year too…….start your own post in the bass forum dudes
Imagine if granddad or pops had half the tools for fishing as we do today what would be left for us to fish for
It seems that everyone has more of a passion for a particular species of fish every year, standing at the landing for an hour is living proof. It’s not hard to tell the bass rigs from the walleye rigs to the cat rigs…….then there is always my floater, What’s hitting rig
With the time Mike and I spend on the water, today we hear more and more of the fish that came boat side for a picture. Back in the day it was all about….hey check out my cooler.
Anywho…..on pool 8 the pike are starting to get some girth to them again, just like back in the day. For the life of me I don’t think it is because the habitat is better (habitat just moves through the years on a river) but my belief is the new era is more about just fishing to be fishing.
And for the pike I keep…30-36 is my slot, and yes……have kept a couple 28inchers just because I could taste it before I was even fishing for it I don’t screw with taking out Y bones either.
Just thought I would ask in this forum because…..this is an esox passion forum Do you eat any Pike? Have you witnessed the change?
With that said I have not yet ate a Musky….it would happen though with respect if the fish bled out in my boat and was legal. Just as
we respect any wild game consumed at the Clark house.
It’s safe to come out of the closet and talk, I’m sure some else likes poor mans lobster, baked or fried, we all have taste buds
Remember….no bashing unless it is at me I’m a big boy now