No. Wisconsin Today’s Outing

  • PeteStoltman
    Posts: 21

    I got out late morning and through the afternoon with my friend Patricia on her row troller. She has been having some good success on some of the smaller lakes that contain ciscos but mostly fish in the lower 40″ range. We decided to throw caution (and any remaining good sense) to the wind and hit some bigger water that is known as trophy water. We were looking for a real Fishzilla. Winds were up to 20mph and better with lake effect snow coming down from Superior. Boat control even with two of us pulling on the oars was almost a joke and we absolutely could not fish some prime areas with two foot plus waves and whitecaps all around us. We did find pods of ciscos in 30 foot depths and tried to slow the boat down as we cruised through those schools but to no effect. After making several trolling runs it became obvious that the conditions were just a bit too much to tolerate and safety becoming an issue with water freezing in the bottom of her little boat. We decided to leave Fishzilla alone and make a run for the safety of shore. Here’s a photo from a short pause between trolling runs when we could get behind cover to set up for the next run. The entire rod and reel were encased in ice and you can see the line pretty iced up too.

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