Toothies on the edge

  • Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    For my boat, the edge has been the name of the game as of late. The temps are dropping and the baitfish are starting to pile into their typical fall locations. Keying in on these locations will up your odds greatly. I have been working a few different lakes, but one thing holds true on all, and thats the edge. The edge may be in 3 feet of water on one lake, while on another it’s 20 feet. Keeping an eye on your eletronics at this time of year is key, however with the water clarity in the fall, your eyes now play a major factor in those shallow water locations. Being able to see a weed finger or elongated weed point, and knowing that your cast is landing right on the inside or outside turn, or on some days those fish are right on the tip of the point. Being able to cast with confidence and know exactly how the weed bed lays out puts just one more little thing in our favor of getting the “Slime”.
    Now on those deep weed edges I have faith in the eletronics and what I see. Here is a trick I like to use, I like to make sure of what I am looking at on the graph, so when I run across what I think looks like deep weeds, I will pitch out a heavy bait and just let it sink to the bottom, hook up with weeds, and bring it up for a look. This helps we understand what weeds look like on my graph, and after enought messing with this, I can almost tell what kind of weeds they are down there, just by how they come across on the graph. This also helps me tell the differance between big baitballs and the weeds, more so when I am right on the edge heading to the drop off. There are always fish on those deep edges with weeds in the fall. Find the forage, and the big toothies will be right there too. As the fall gets colder, make sure you have the important things along on every trip, fall is not the time to go swimming, but if you do, make sure your prepared. May the Muskies Gods shine on us all this fall. Stick a pig

    The last shot, I somehow thought that a 2 second delay on the camera would get it done while fishing alone and taking photos. Note to self, you need 10 seconds of delay Bob

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