Strange Moon Photos

  • Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    I got a chance to hit the water the other night when the moon was on the rise. We got the fish moving for about 45 mintues prior to the actual rise of the moon, and then that was the end of the fish activity for the evening. I did get one Lunge to “rage” 5 minutes prior to the moon, and when I say rage, this fish went nuts. I had just moved a really big fish not minutes before the hook up with this one. I thought for sure when I set the hook on this fish, that I had the big one I was coming back to work. The fish surfaced and I knew right away that this was not the same momma I was in search of. None the less, this fish gave me a good run, clearing the water twice prior to hitting the net. As darkness fell we decided to make a few trolling runs. All we got to show for those efforts were some crazy shots of the moon. I am not sure what I had going on with the camrea that night, but the exposure on these turned out very interesting.

    Bring on the fall fat girls

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