What would you say?

  • bzzsaw
    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    One of my good buddies had his bro inlaw at his cabin all last week. Went to his place for a campfire Friday night. Found out his bro inlaw was fishing late night for muskies most of the week. He caught a 49 incher Thursday night (1 am). I guess all they had was some cheesy walleye class net. Supposedly the muskie destroyed the net and got wrapped up bad. Sounded like it was out of the water for quite some time. He says he tried to release it without success. Ended up taking it to the taxidermist the next day. Our lake is only 350 acres and doesn’t have many 49+ inch muskies in it. We’ve caught lots of muskies over the past 15 years and have release every one of them. My biggest has been 46 inches.

    What do you say to the guy when he says he is planning to go out again on Friday night (without a net)?
    My neighbor Buck Slayer borrowed the guy his net. Maybe I’m being kind of jealous, but what do you say to someone without coming across as an . I know he has been fishing muskies the past few summers.

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